Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Way Cool Waterer (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, BeThere2Day, and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     



Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, yours truly is providing the prompts on my blog.

Please feel free to use some of the prompts, none of them, or all of them as you see fit.  The point is to get the creative juices flowing in whatever manner your muse leads you.

This week's prompts are














Charlotte (MotherOwl) has selected Mouse Grey as the colour of the month.  If you can include it in your story she and I will be grateful.

She came in the house through the inner door which led from the garage, dropping her PURSE in the chair on her WAY through the den as always and headed to the bedroom to change out of her work clothes.

The cat greeted her and she stopped to give Vander a good scritch.  Once she was dressed she headed back to the kitchen to get started on dinner and saw her husband in the hallway.

"You left the garage door open again," he said, and she stopped.

"The inside door or the big garage door?" she asked.

"The big one," he said.

She shook her head in confusion and had to PROTEST.  "I know I pushed the button to close it on my way in, and this time I even stopped to watch it close and make sure it didn't reopen."

"Well, it was open, so something's wrong," he said.

"There has to be something ABNORMAL going on," she said.  "Remember a few days ago we heard the garage door open at 2am?  And before that, both of us were in the den watching a movie and we heard it?  I'm closing it, but something's wrong."

"I'm going to call the company that installed the automatic door for us and see if he has some ideas," he said.

A couple of days later the nice technician installer from the company was there.  He looked everything over, did an ANALYSIS of the whole mechanism, and couldn't find an explanation.

"It doesn't look like it's been tampered with by vermin," he said, to which she said, "Wait, what!"

"Vermin.  You know, mice, rats, the little Mouse Grey things that sometimes manage to get in houses through any GAP, live behind the PLASTER or sheetrock, those little things.  Sometimes they gnaw on stuff, including wiring, and you can get a short."

"If we have one of those things in the house, we're moving!" she said, looking panicked.

"If we have one of those things, we'll set a TRAP," her husband calmly said.  "In fact," he added, seeing her face, "I'll set one anyway.  It'll stay empty, though, you'll see."

"Only other thing you might check," the technician said, "is to ask any close NEIGHBORS with automatic garage doors to check if they have one on the same frequency.  It can happen, and when the neighbor opens his door, it opens or closes yours, too."

"We'll check with them, thanks," he said as the technician left.  She still looked a bit startled and he put his arm around her shoulder.  "Don't worry, I have every CONFIDENCE we'll get to the bottom of this, and we have no mice."

Over the next few days they did check with neighbors, and started trying to run out to the garage every time they heard the mechanism opening, trying to see if they could figure out what in the world was going on, but to no avail.

Then one day it happened they were both in the den and at the same time looked at the cat as it jumped up into the chair where she left her purse.  The chair was simply there in case they had company, neither of them sat on it regularly, and she'd gotten in the habit of knowing her purse was always there.

It was a nice soft cloth purse, and apparently, the cat liked it.  Vander jumped up and prepared to make himself comfortable, wiggling and stretching and then they heard it.  The garage door mechanism went off, and she said, "I keep my remote control OPENER in my purse!  Do you think he could have..."

"I think he just did," he said.  "The cat has been opening the garage when you put your purse there and he climbs up there to sleep, he hits the button!"

They both laughed, and she lifted Vander and pulled her purse off the chair.  He looked miffed, so she gave him a pillow, which he begrudgingly accepted.

After that, the purse had a hook on the wall with the coats, and when he called the technician to tell him how it had turned out, the guy laughed and said, "That's one for the RECORD books!"

(Based on a true story, the cat did it!)


Today is:

Assyrian Martyrs Day -- various Assyrian communities

Battle of Boyaca Day -- Colombia

Festival Wednesday/East End Parade -- British Virgin Islands

Harvest Holiday -- Slavic Pagan Calendar (reaping ceases for a few hours in honor of Volos' beard; bread is eaten and offerings given to Mother Earth and Volos for a bountiful harvest)

Independence Day / National Day -- Cote d'Ivoire(1960)

National Lighthouse Day -- US (American Lighthouse Foundation

National Raspberries in Cream Day

Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, and especially the kind no one can open without a machete, what's with that!

Professional Speaker's Day  

Purple Heart Day -- US (originally instituted this day in 1782 by George Washington)

Say "Cheese" Day -- begun by ecard companies looking for something to celebrate; in my family, we do not say "Cheese", we say "Chicken Lips!" Try it some time when walking past tourists who are trying to get a good photo, and watch them smile genuine smiles and come up with a good picture.

Sea Serpent Day -- no one knows why today, just enjoy

St. Albert of Trapani's Day (Patron of Carmelite schools; Messina, Italy; Trapani, Italy)

St. Cajetan's Day (Patron of job seekers and the unemployed)

Take Last Winter's Snowballs Out of the Freezer and Have a Fight Day -- in the northern hemisphere, it's certainly hot enough

Birthdays Today:

Charlize Theron, 1975

Harold Parrineau, 1963

DeLane Matthews, 1961

David Duchovny, 1960

Alberto Salazar, 1957

John Glover, 1944

Garrison Keillor, 1942

B.J. Thomas, 1942

Abebe Bikila, 1932

"The Amazing" James Randi, 1928

Carl "Alfalfa" Switser, 1927

Stan Freberg, 1926

Ralph Johnson Bunche, 1903

Rudolf C. Ising, 1903

William Boyd McKechnie, 1886

Billie Burke, 1884

Mata Hari, 1876

Nathanael Greene, 1742

Today in History:

Battle of Crannon between Athens and Macedon, following the death of Alexander the Great, BC322

Construction of the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore begins in Florence, 1420

Coup again the Tianshun Emperor by the Ming Dynasty Chinese military general Cao Qin, 1461

Francis Drake's fleet returns to Plymouth, 1573

The first documented performance of Macbeth, at the Great Hall at Hampton Court, 1606

Sieur de La Salle's brigantine Le Griffon becomes the first ship to sail the upper Great Lakes, 1679

Cherokee Indians take Ft. Loudon, Tennessee, 1760

George Washington creates the Order of the Purple Heart, 1782

Simon Bolivar triumphs over the Spanish at the Battle of Boyaca, 1819

The long simmering tension between the Hatfields and the McCoys on the Kentucky/West Virginia border erupts into full scale violence on election day, 1882

The Peace Bridge opens between Fort Erie, Ontario and Buffalo, New York, 1927

IBM dedicates the first program-controlled calculator, the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (known best as the Harvard Mark I), 1944

Thor Heyerdahl's balsa wood raft the Kon-Tiki, smashes into the reef at Raroia in the Tuamotu Islands after a 101-day, 7,000 kilometres (4,300 mi) journey across the Pacific Ocean in an attempt to prove that pre-historic peoples could have traveled from South America, 1947

Explorer 6 transmits the first TV photo of Earth from space, 1959

The "artistic crime of the century" occurs when Philippe Petit of France, after months of planning and smuggling in materials, makes an illegal tightrope walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, 1974

Viking 2 enters orbit around Mars, 1976

The Washington Star ceases all operations after 128 years of publication, 1981

Takao Doi, Mamoru Mohri and Chiaki Mukai are chosen to be Japan's first astronauts, 1985

Barry Bonds of the San Francisco Giants breaks baseball great Hank Aaron's record by hitting his 756th home run, 2007

Australia's Sally Pearson sets a new Olympic record when she wins the 100 metres hurdles in 12.35 seconds at the 2012 Summer Olympics, 2012

The Mendocino Fire becomes the largest recorded fire in California's history, at 290,600 acres, overtaking The 2017 Thomas Fire, 2018

The US Senate passes an Inflation Reduction Act in an attempt to help stabilize the economy, 2022


  1. That is a totally charming cat story.
    Sadly my story is also true and I hope the vet rings us soon.
    I protest. One small cat shouldn’t have to go through so much. A near neighbour’s cats are outside and receive very little care. They are perfectly healthy. Our precious little Batty (the black cat not the mouse grey one) is back at the vet today. We have every confidence in them but are currently waiting on tenterhooks for the results of their analysis. It isn’t something that can just have a plaster applied. He has somehow swallowed a ribbon which may have caused an abnormal blockage. If it has the only way forward will be for him to have another operation. This will undoubtedly be a purse opener – and he has already cost us record amounts. How I wish we had not fallen into the trap of thinking we didn’t need pet insurance. We did. We do need it, and the gap in our funds will be huge.
    And a later update. He did require surgery and we are waiting to hear the results.

    1. I can feel with you. Our children live with such a purse opener. The lovely cats name, by the way, is ... is ... is Mimi.

    2. To mimi...our animals can make us crazy. LOL

    3. EC good use of the prompts. Hope the kitty will be okay. Do let us knowl

    4. I am hoping Batty recovers quickly with little to no pain. I also hope the damage to the purse is not too painful

    5. Poor little guy! I'm sorry this has happened to him, and to you.

  2. EC; I am so sorry to read this, how on earth did he find a ribbon? Makes me glad Lola eats or chews nothing but her food. I'll keep my fingers crossed that Batty is okay.
    messymimi; I love your story! I'm glad they didn't havve mice or rats chewing through wiring.

  3. Hi MessyMimi - lovely story ... such is life! While EC I can see why you're so worried about Batty ... poor little thing he does seem to be having his unfair take on life, and hope he is recovering. Sorry about your purse though ... cheers to you both - Hilary

  4. Hi MessyMimi - my two ... quite difficult words I thought ... and I don't like the colour!!

    Can't say I'm keen on the colour mouse grey … but I won't protest, otherwise they'll set a huge gap for me to fall into and be trapped … my confidence at that point will completely wane; then the abnormality of their analysis will become apparent. I'd prefer pretty colours – they'll cheer us all up.

    Plaster Way … is that where I lost my purse … I must ask the neighbours. It's difficult listening when I've got my earphones in – so I'd better take those out – then perhaps my opener phrase will help get the right answer; I must record all their details too .. though with the misty mouse grey morning I'm going to get soaked.

    Cheers Hilary

    1. May you get surrounded by all colours you call pretty.

    2. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I really enjoyed both your takes - and am a fan of pretty colours myself.

    3. You managed mouse grey very well.

    4. I am like you and enjoy colors.
      I liked your use of the prompts in both.

    5. Great use of the words, Hilary!

      I also enjoy colors, gray is a nice accent tone. Charlotte/Mother Owl lets a site select 12 colors for her at the beginning of the year and sets those as color of the month for her blog, and we use them with Words for Wednesday if we want.

      Thanks for playing Words for Wednesday with us!

  5. That definitely is cool heheh!

    Have a cooltastic week mimi 👍

  6. His way was plastered with the ​protest of many former ​neighbours who, despite all the gaps in his analysis, had allowed themselves to get trapped by his ​abnormal self-confidence; a trap which had proved to be a record purse-opener.
    High above the clouds, he smiled pleased with himself. Their money was well spent.
    What he didn't know was that as soon as he landed in the Caribbean, his face would turn mouse-grey​.

    1. Poor chap ... destined to be a failure ... well done Sean - cheers Hilary

    2. Sean Jeating: I do like that justice will be served.

    3. A swindler, eh? His face turning colors was not enough punishment. Unless, of course, it went grey because he was being arrested and extradited back to face the music.

    4. Thank you all.
      @ Annie: No.
      @ Mimi: Imagine him smilingly strolling down the gangway, and seconds later the handcuffs click.

  7. @ Mimi: Now that's a story!! I am still smiling. Thank you.

  8. Cats are always into things, or in this case, on top of things. It would drive a person nuts trying to figure out the mysterious garage door opening, but in the end, it was so simple, and right under their noses the whole time.

  9. I remember seeing that faucet trick.

    God bless.

  10. A great story, all the more so for being true!

  11. That is a cool water fountain and what an amazing story!

  12. Thankful that I don't qualify to celebrate Purple Heart Day. I think I may try to honor Raspberries and Cream Day. Have a blessed Wednesday.

  13. Love that water fountain. Most unique.

    Love your use of the prompts. Cats are most clever and what a mystery they finally figured out. Move that purse or leave the clicker in the car.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

  14. Chaplin: "A magic fountain? I would totally drink from that."

  15. Fun fountain and sweet cat story ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Town Squabbles by Granny Annie

    The quarrel began over the city fathers mounting a large plaster statue at the entrance to their subdivision. The Mayor's daughter had created this monstrosity. The homeowners could not get the city to remove it since the Mayor had the council on his side.

    The protest began in a written declaration. They thought putting their complaints in writing would set the perfect trap. Griselda was quite a picture of strength, holding her purse tightly to her chest, carrying the epistle with confidence. The neighbors analysis of this abnormal situation created a huge gap within the city council.

    The meeting began with the chairman pounding his gavel on the desk. He pounded so hard that splinters spewed into the air. He saw Griselda approaching the microphone and attempted to have her sit back down but she said there was no way she would abandon her mission.

    Her opener stated that she represented the HOA for their neighborhood. She insisted the statue be moved. They were submitting this signed petition be placed in the record. Every member of the division had signed the petition.They had not ask for this huge mouse grey blob to be erected at their gate. They also suggested it be moved to the entrance of the Mayor's subdivision.

    The meeting ended that day with the decision to remove the statue. Nothing further was ever said about moving it to the Mayor's neighborhood. It simply disappeared.

    1. Grannie Annie: I love it - and wish that the little guys won more often.

    2. Glad to hear they won. It's amazing how easy it is to put something in someone else's back yard.

  17. story is also posted on my home page

  18. * I intentionally did not use the mouse gray color prompt because "I hate meeces to pieces"

    The phone call from one of her neighbors alerted her that the next door neighbor was at it again. Busybody Brenda was not a fan of the plaster zebra she had created for her back yard and tired to cajole others to join her in protest.

    For the record, Brenda never liked a single thing Miriam had done to the outside of her house since moving in.
    She did not like the color, of the shutters, the shrubs, or the fact that Miriam had to gall to plant tomatoes in the front yard. After all, according to Brenda, the front of each house should be uniform with only grass, 2 shrubs flanking either side of the stairs, a small tree, and flowers.
    It was not Miriam's fault Brenda lacked the confidence to live life outside of the box. Or maybe, on further analysis, her abnormal need for strict control over everything was a self imposed power trap she either could or would not let go of.
    Either way, Brenda had decided to appeal to the neighborhood HOA to get involved.
    If Miriam would not reply to Brenda's request for uniformity, perhaps hitting her in the purse strings with a large fine would stop her once and for all.
    Before the president of the HOA Could set any fines, she had to investigate the offense for herself, again. She had been called to investigate infractions reported by Brenda for months.
    Since there was nothing in the neighborhood by-laws about having pink shutters, or growing tomatoes, that was never an issue with her. (Beside she actually enjoyed the look of the shutters and the whimsical shrubs in front of her house. And who could argue about tomatoes?)
    She rang Brenda's bell because looking as hard as she could, she saw no trace of the offending zebra.
    Brenda lead her into the back yard and said "See, this THING is an absolute monstrosity to have to see each day"
    Standing on her tiptoes she looked through the 1 inch gap near the top of the 6 foot fence, and she could finally see the zebra. She shook her head, left through the back gate and walked next door to talk with Miriam who was in her front yard watering the offensive tomatoes.
    "I have no idea why Brenda is making such a fuss about something she can't see unless she makes it a point to go to the trouble of "spying" on you every day. Nothing to do but wait for her to complain about the next thing you do that she does not like."
    "Well she won't have to wait too long. I am sending her a can opener with a note "For for the next can of worms you need to open".


    1. Anne in the kitchen: HUGE smiles. Thank you.

    2. I love it! And the Mr. Jinx quote.

    3. Here does the saying be fitting: "The most pious person cannot live in peace if the bad neighbour doesn't like it."
      A fine read, Anne. Thank you.

  19. interesting choice of words! I'll be back. We love Garrison Keillor. We saw him in San Diego area. talented performer, writer.

    1. thecontemplativecat here and there. I wonder why some sites have anonymous.

  20. I have joined in again after being away for too long. Click here to read it

    1. Nicely done, Cindi! Thanks for playing Words for Wednesday with us.

  21. Very cool- it looks like the faucet is floating on air. That was a fun story. XO

  22. These are words I would not really thought to use especially the second set. But I used them all. I am actually on time for once but then again, it's already Thursday elsewhere.

    My take on the prompts is here: Fiction: A Stranger Comes to Call.

    I just noticed you posted Words for Wed in this new post and the prompts in another post with comments off. It's a bit odd to me. I just don't know which post to link to (on my blog post) so I relink to here since you have comment open.

    Your take on the prompt - this is good. I didn't expect the cat as the culprit. I like the mystery got solved.

    Thanks for the prompts. Have a lovely day

  23. That was a really great cat story! And that faucet is so much fun. :)


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