Friday, March 14, 2025

A New Houdini Cat (Feline Friday), Friendly Fill-Ins and Nature Friday


Feline Friday was originally started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude (may he rest in peace), and i'm going to believe it's because he liked cats.

He handed hosting duties off to Sandee at Comedy Plus, and now she's entrusting it to me.

Feline Friday is simple to join.  All you have to do is: Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (they may be silly or cute).  Then add your link!

One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do.  So come and join us in Feline Friday.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!

We have another Sydney.  Some may remember him, he was the cat that learned to turn the doorknobs and get out of the colony rooms, always leading any roommates out with him to commit shenanigans at night.

Now, it's Ajax.

We need to bring Sydney's chair out of retirement...

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Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. I enjoy talking to _________.

2. _________ is something kind I did recently.

3. I wish I could _________ without any repercussions.

4. I've been complimented on my _________ but criticized for _________.

1. I enjoy talking to   anyone who believes in speaking with kindness, compassion and respect, even if we are disagreeing.

2. rEcess  is something kind I did recently.   At least, some people call it kind, I call it fun!

3. I wish I could   take a vacation  without any repercussions.

4. I've been complimented on my   long hair  but criticized for   letting it go salt and pepper.  Sorry, i am what i am and it's all that i am.


Nature Friday is hosted by LLB in Our Backyard Simply post a picture of the natural world, and link up!   

It's azalea time!


Today is:

Commemoration of the Birth of Lao-Tzu -- Taoist (15th day of 2nd lunar month)

Constitution Day -- Andorra

Dita e Veres -- Albania (Summer Day)

Festival of Veturius Mamurius -- Ancient Roman Calendar (festival of armor makers)

Full Worm Moon -- also called Leaf Moon, Seedling Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon, Sap Moon, Light Snow Moon, White moon, Virgin Moon, Paschal Moon, or Lenten Moon; considered the last full moon of winter

     Madin Full Moon Poya Day -- Sri Lanka

     Taubaung Full Moon -- Myanmar

Genius Day -- for Einstein, of course

Girl Scout Sabbath -- US (encouraging Girl Scouts to wear their uniforms to synagogue services and represent their troop to their congregations; through tomorrow, the final day of Girl Scout Week in the US)

Hola Mohalla -- Sikh (3 day grand festival)

Holi -- Hindu (Festival of Color, begins at sundown, through sundown tomorrow, where everyone gets doused with colored water, or powder, or paint, or all of them; it's been described as an iridescent madhouse)

     officially recognized holiday in Guyana; India; Nepal; Suriname

     Phagu Purnima / Basanta Utsay -- Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

International Ask A Question Day -- because that's what geniuses do

Learn about Butterflies Day -- if you go looking for who started this holiday, you will find out lots about butterflies and nothing about him/her, which i guess makes it a success

Moth-er Day -- for all individuals and museums that have moth collections; some websites have this listed as the day before Mother's Day

Mother Tongue Day -- Estonia

National Heroes Day -- Saint Vincent and Grenadines

National Potato Chip Day

National Pi Day - Why today? Because today is 3.14, the value of Pi.

National Write Your Story Day

Purim -- Judaism (through sundown today)

Runic Half Month Beorc (Birch) begins

Shopping Cart Day -- patent filed today in 1938 by Sylvan Goldman

St. Matilda, Queen of Germany's Day (Patron of dying children, disappointing children, falsely accused people, large families, people ridiculed for their piety, queens, second marriages, widows)

Ten Most Wanted Day -- the FBI started its list this day in 1950

White Day -- China; Japan; South Korea; Taiwan (One month after Valentine's Day, which is the day women give gifts to men; today, the men return the favor.)

World Sleep Day® -- sponsored by the World Association of Sleep Medicine, aiming to lessen the burdens of sleep problems on society; this year's theme is "Make Sleep Health a Priority" 

Birthdays Today:

Justin Bieber, 1994

Colby O'Donis, 1989

Taylor Hanson, 1983

Grace Park, 1974

Kirby Puckett, 1961

Tamara Tunie, 1959

Rick Dees, 1951

Pam Ayres, 1947

Billy Crystal, 1947

Rita Tushingham, 1942

Michael Caine, 1933

Quincy Jones, 1933

Frank Borman, 1928

S. Truet Cathy, 1921

Hank Ketcham, 1920

Horton Foote, 1916

Les Brown, 1912

Albert Einstein, 1879

Casey Jones, 1864

Lucy Hobbs Taylor, 1833

Johann Strauss, Sr., 1804

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"10 Most Wanted"(FBI list), 1950

"The Mikado; or, The Town of Titipu"(Comic Opera), 1885

"MacBeth"(Opera), 1847

Today in History:

The Queen of Cyprus, Catherine Cornaro, sells her kingdom to Venice, 1489

England grants a patent for Providence Plantations (now Rhode Island), 1644

Scotland dismisses Willem III & Mary Stuart as king & queen, 1689

Eli Whitney is granted a patent for the cotton gin, 1794

The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church founded in New York, 1821

Gilbert and Sullivan's Mikado premiers in London, 1885

During the Great Blizzard of 1888, New York receives its second largest snowfall on record, 21", 1888

The United States goes on the gold standard, 1900

Hugo de Vries rediscovers Mendel's laws of genetics, 1900

The first theater for rear movie projection is built, in NYC, 1931

A jury in Dallas, Texas, finds Jack Ruby guilty of killing Lee Harvey Oswald, assumed assassin of John F. Kennedy, 1964

Linux kernel version 1.0.0 is released, 1994

Astronaut Norman Thagard becomes the first American astronaut to ride to space on-board a Russian launch vehicle, 1995

The Chinese city of Chongqing (formerly Chunking) is upgraded to a centrally administered municipality, 1997

Over a million Lebanese people take to the streets of Beirut to protest against Syrian military presence, in what comes to be called the Cedar Revolution, 2005

After measuring its spin and parity, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider announce they firmly believe the particle discovered in July 2012 is a Higgs boson, 2013

President Putin orders Russian troops out of Syria, 2016

NASA releases data showing February 2016 warmest month ever recorded globally - 1.35C above the long-term average, 2016

The European Court of Justice rules companies can ban staff from wearing religious symbols, including headscarves, 2017

The world's oldest golf club, Muirfield in Scotland, votes to admit women as members after 273 years, 2017

The NASA twin study finds that astronaut Scott Kelly is no longer identical to his twin brother after one year in space, 7% of his genes altered, 2018

The World Happiness Report names Finland as world's happiest country and Burundi the unhappiest, 2018

Angela Merkel is sworn in for her fourth term as German Chancellor, 2018

Google announces its employee Emma Haruka Iwao has broken the world record for calculating pi, to 31.4 trillion digits, on pi day using Google Cloud, 2019

An Air Tahiti Nui plane safely completes the longest-ever scheduled passenger flight by distance, 15,715km/9,765m from French Polynesia to mainland France, 2020

Czech free diver David Vencl completes a record dive beneath ice to 52.1 meters without a wetsuit in Switzerland’s Lake Sils in temperatures between 1C and 4C (34F to 39F), 2023

A British warship that ran aground and sank in 1742 in what is now Dry Tortugas National Park in Key West, Florida, is positively identified as the HMS Tyger, 2024


  1. How did I guess Ajax would be a ginger! It is always them that get up to shenanigans.
    Good for you having your hair the way you want it and not how others think it should be. I have never dyed my hair. It is starting to grow back now and is about 1/4 inch. It looks like it will come back the same colour as when it all came out, a mixture of dark and grey.

  2. Simply Beautiful azalea. And of course an orange kitty makes the day. I don't think humans were meant to have face paint and hair dye. We should be seeing this who we really are.

  3. That is amazing a cat can do that! We are glad we have never had a cat who was that clever. Mom goes back and forth on dying her hair. She isn't ready for gray but is tired of dying it. Lots of her friends are letting it go but she isn't quite ready.

  4. Ajax is a cutie and very clever. Orange cats always seem to be extra smart. Thank you for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I wish I could volunteer at rEcess. I am sure your hair is beautiful. XO

  5. Ajax is adorable. Great fill-in answers. Mom stopped coloring her hair 2 years ago. It is totally white now.

  6. Oh Ajax, sweetie! I hope you get some company while you are waiting for your forever home. Ginger kitties are my fafurite. I have had a couple of my own. Hope you get purrole very soon.

  7. National Potato Chip Day - HOORAY !!! What flavour?

    God bless.

  8. Ajax is adorable ~ sweet photo ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. OMCs a home run today on Ajax, fill ins especially #1, and Nature Friday. I do love the name Ajax for a ginger.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. I too wear my hair long as it can grow and do not dye it. I never had any remarks for this. But sitting down on the floor, rushing up or down the stairs or balancing on the curbstones regularly earns me strange looks and comments ;)
    Those ninja-cats ar a pita!

  11. Ajax is very smart and likely will not give up easily LOL! Good fill in answers too!

  12. Ajax is adorable. Great fill ins.

  13. Ajax is so cute. He reminds us of our Gismo, who was a ginger too. He had some very handy skills too...MOL...We won't tell Peachy about them though...he isn't that clever, but he has enough other skills😸Great fill in answers, Mimi😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  14. thecontemplativecat here. We couldn't see last night's moon as we were have intense rain. Maybe tonight?

  15. Ajax needs to share his secret so we can try being Houdinis too:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. Escape kitten! Whoever said you need to cover your salt and pepper, really is a poop. You earned wearing your hair how you like!

  17. I sometimes wonder how cats manage to learn such things as door handles. Good thing there is a handy bag of litter nearby. I wear my hair long and grey too, people tell me short hair is easier to manage but I disagree. Short hair needs constant trimming or cutting, long hair only needs tying back.


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