Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Best (Cajun Joke), Sunday Selections and Sunday Selfie


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Grandma and Grandpa, like me and my Sweetie, have no plans for US Labor Day, although i do plan to labor.

Tee Boudreaux done be axin' 'bout Labor Day, an' why dey have dem de day off.

So Boudreaux an' Clothile done be tryin' to esplain, an' dey t'ink he done gots it, den dey start talkin' 'bout de bes' holiday.

Clothile say, "De bes holiday don' done been invent yet.  It gonna be de holiday where'n I don' has to cook!

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, no, de bes holiday goin' be de one where de relatives don' come over!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.        

This week, i tried to get a close up of a bee and a dragonfly.  The bee didn't cooperate much, but the dragonfly was much better.


This week, Jack wants to join the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, and he wanted me to show the whole photo session and what he has to put up with from Lulu.   


Today is:

Bahti Meskerem -- Eritrea (Revolution Day)

Bonnat Pig Fair -- Bonnat, France

Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day

Chicken Boy's Day -- the mascot of the now defunct restaurant by that name, the 22 foot statue of a boy with a chicken's head was saved from destruction and is now a pop icon in L.A. on Route 66

Constitution Day/National Day -- Slovakia

Day of Knowledge -- Estonia (an official Flag Day); Russia

Disaster Prevention Day/Kanto Earthquake Memorial Day -- Japan

Ecclesiastical Year begins -- Orthodox Christian

Father's Day -- Australia; Fiji; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea

Festival of Juno Regina and Jupiter Liber -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Ginger Cat Appreciation Day -- begun by Chris Roy, whose saving of a ginger kitten on this date in 1997 led to a life of animal welfare volunteer work

Harvest Wine Celebration -- Livermore, CA, US (open-house visits to over 40 wineries)

Hassaku Oshi-tsuki -- Tsuma, Oki Island, Japan (bull sumo, with bulls pushing each other out of the ring)

International Day of Awareness of the Dolphins of Taiji/Save Japan's Dolphins Day -- the drive and hunt begins today in Japan, and events are held around the world 

Mustaqillik Kuni -- Uzbekistan (Independence Day, 1991) 

National Cherry Popover Day

National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day -- the day to celebrate the amazing words in the English language that do not rhyme with any other words

Nutt Day -- for Emma M. Nutt, the first female telephone operator

Oyster Season begins

Paryushana Parva -- Jain (start of the 8 day festival signifying human emergence into a new world of spiritual and moral refinement and a celebration of the natural qualities of the soul; the final day is Samvatsari, the most important day and focused on forgiveness)

Partridge's Day -- partridge hunting season begins in UK

Presidential Message Day -- Mexico

Random Acts of Kindness Day -- New Zealand

Regata Storical (Historical Regatta) -- Venice, Italy (competition among two-oar racing gondolas, preceded by Venetian ceremonial boats)

Running of the Sheep -- Reed Point, MT (matched only by the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, hundreds of sturdy Montana bred woolies charge down the six blocks of the main street in town, plus there is a parade!)

Save the Koala Month -- anyone can help by "adopting" one    

Sing A Silly Song in Bed Day -- now, this one has no real rhyme or reason

St. Fiacre's Day -- Ireland and France (the rest of the church celebrates this Patron of gardeners on August 30)

St. Gideon the Judge's Day (Patron of Saint-Gedeon-de-Beauce, Canada)

St. Giles' Day (Patron of the beggars, blacksmiths, breast feeding, cancer patients, disabled/handicapped people, epileptics, forests, hermits, horses, lepers, mentally ill people, noctiphobics, paupers and the poor, rams, spur makers, woods; Edinburgh, Scotland; Toifa, Italy; against breast cancer, epilepsy, fear of the night, insanity, leprosy, mental illness, noctiphobia, sterility)

St. Simeon Stylites' Day -- Eastern Orthodox Christian

Teacher's Day -- Singapore

Wattle Day -- Australia

Anniversary Today:

Benjamin Franklin marries Deborah Read, 1730

Birthdays Today:

Timothy Duane "Tim" Hardaway, 1966

Gloria Estefan, 1957

Dr. Phil McGraw, 1950

Barry Gibb, 1946

Lily Tomlin, 1939

Alan Dershowitz, 1938

Don Stroud, 1937

Seiji Ozawa, 1935

Conway Twitty, 1933

"Boxcar" Willie, 1931

Rocky Marciano, 1923

Yvonne DeCarlo, 1922

Vittorio Gassman, 1922

Walter Philip Reuther, 1907

Edgar Rice Burroughts, 1875

Englebert Humperdinck. 1854 (composer, esp of opera Hansel and Gretel)

Johann Pachelbel, 1653

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Art Linkletter's House Party"(TV), 1952

"Androcles and the Lion"(Play), 1913

Today in History:

Rabbi Moses Ben Nachman establishes a Jewish community in Jerusalem, 1267

Adi Granth, now known as Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhs, was first installed at Harmandir Sahib, 1601

The first yacht race is held, between England's King Charles I and his brother James, 1661

Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa forms in California, 1772

Juno, one of the largest main belt asteroids, is discovered by German astronomer Karl Ludwig Harding, 1804

Narcissa Whitman, one of the first white women to settle west of the 

Rocky Mountains, arrives at Walla Walla, Washington, 1836

The first Pullman sleeping car is put into service, 1859

The Solar Superstorm/Carrington Event: a huge solar sunspot and solar flare storm that disrupted telegraphy and allowed the Aurora Borealis to be seen as far south as the Caribbean occurs, 1859

Joseph Lister performs the first antiseptic surgery, 1865

Robert T. Freeman becomes the first African American to graduate from the Harvard Dental School, 1867

The first underground rapid transit system in North America, the Boston Subway, opens, 1897

One of the first science fiction films ever, A Trip To The Moon, opens in France, 1902

Alberta and Saskatchewan become the 8th and 9th Canadian provinces, 1905

Martha, the last passenger pigeon, dies at the Cincinnati Zoo, 1914

The United States, Australia and New Zealand sign a mutual defense pact, called the ANZUS Treaty, 1951

In Reykjavík, Iceland, American Bobby Fischer beats Russian Boris Spassky and becomes the world chess champion, 1972

Canada adopts the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as part of its Constitution, 1982

A joint French-American expedition locates the wreckage of the RMS Titanic, 1985

Luxembourg becomes the first nation to complete the transition to all digital tv broadcasting, 2006

After four Israeli settlers are shot at the Israeli settlement Beit Hagai, the Palestinian Authority arrested 250 members of Hamas, 2010

To avoid further fighting, Libya's Transitional Council extends the deadline to surrender for tribal leaders in Sirte, 2011

U.S. National Park officials notify 3,100 recent visitors of an outbreak of Hantavirus sourced to tent cabins in Yosemite National Park, 2012

In southwestern China, at least four people are killed by a 5.9-magnitude earthquake, 2013

Stock markets around the world fall after China reports a low value for its purchasing managers' index, suggesting that the nation's economy is slowing, 2015

Hurricane Dorian makes landfall on Elbow Cay in the Abaco Islands, northern Bahamas, as a category five storm with winds of 180mph (285km/h), 2019

Mongolians protest against moves to teach school subjects in Mandarin instead of Mongolian in their schools, 2020

South America's second-longest river, the Paraná, hits its lowest levels in 77 years due to drought, 2021

Record rain is recorded in Central Park, New York (7.13 inches) and Newark, New Jersey (8.41 inches) from remnants of Hurricane Ida, 2021


  1. Well done on those difficult captures - and I do love the skyscapes and the self portrait too. Thank you.

  2. Beautiful dragonfly, but is it real? I didn't know they had blue faces. The skies are lovely.

  3. He certainly have some great close-up pictures today dragonflies and honey bees. And close up pictures of two sweet puppies. Happy Sunday

  4. Gosh, your patience and practice with insects have really started to pay off. Lovely shots. Gorgeous skyscapes, and Jack clearly deserves a medal for the photo interruptions, MOL

  5. Those are wonderful dragonfly photos and Lulu is so adorable!

  6. ewe iz one hansum pup jack, and ewe bee one gorgeouz gal lulu… happee SUN day two ewe both witha grate week a head….hope lotz oh bizcuitz and steak and chew toyz iz headed yur way 🐟‼️🐶🦴🥩

  7. Funny joke. Nice photos and good job with the selfie Jack.

  8. Nice joke, Mom would love a day not to cook. She is working on a turkey breast today, and we two are SO happy about that - tidbits for us hopefully.

    The dragonfly shots are amazing. And hi to Jack.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Charlee: "Wow! That dragonfly is gorgeous! And it allowed you to get so close! Do you think it would maybe let me eat it ... ?"

  10. The dragonfly is beautiful. Great selfies too!

  11. - Man, you're a great writer, I laughed myself silly reading your Cajon dialogue, and dialogue is one of the hardest things to write.

    I have a cajon joke for you:
    Me Boudreaux and Poo Poo Thibodaux were driving too fast on the highway, so of course they got pulled over. Thibodaux was driving, so, the policeman gave him a ticket. Well, they didn't have enough money to pay for the ticket, but they tried and the courthouse wouldn't take it. The lady behind the counter told them, that he had to go to court for this kind of ticket.

    This surprised Boudreaux and Thibodaux, and they were a little scared to enter the courtroom.
    Anyway, they wanted a long time, for the Judge to call Thibodaux to the podium.

    The Judge asked Thibodaux if he wished to plead guilty, and Thibodaux said,

    "I suppose so Judge, and while I am here is there any way I can change my name? "

    The Judge replied,
    " I'm curious, what part of your name would you like to change?"

    In which Thibodaux replied,
    "Well, Judge I would like to change it to Poo, Poo Boudreaux.

  12. Fun Cajun joke ~ awesome dragonfly photos and always wonderful sky photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. What a glorious dragonfly ... and you got that uncooperative bee in the end!

  14. Love the Cajun joke! Your photos are amazing, especially the dragonfly.


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