Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Above the Equator, It's Almost Fall, Y'all (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, BeThere2Day, and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     



Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month the words/prompts are supplied by River 

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. on the run 

2. belong 

3. street 

4. breakfast 

5. tent

and this image:

Also Charlotte's colour of the month which is Orient Red for September.  

It was dank, depressing and sad enough being On The Run, but to wake up to the drippy, dreary day with a leak in her TENT made it even worse than usual.

She'd realized rain was coming and tried to find a spot under a bridge, but the water found a way in anyway, it usually did.  Water, she thought dully as she started out of her tent flap at the cars passing, splashing water in their wake, was essential and inexorably made its way wherever it wanted, no stopping it forever.

As soon as she felt the drops she got up and folded away her Orient Red blanket, the only pretty and colorful thing she really had left.  She decided since BREAKFAST was probably not going to happen, she might as well pack up and go ahead and hit the STREETs.

It's hard to not BELONG anywhere, she thought, hoping she could keep going long enough to feel safe again someday.  Until then, beg and travel and hope for a break that didn't break her again.


It's National Wildlife Day in the US!


Today is:

Animals' Day -- Curacao

Ceremony of Transformation through Anubis -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Eat An Extra Dessert Day -- internet generated, you have the WWW's permission to indulge today

     note that some sites also list this day, instead of July 7, as World Chocolate Day, so celebrate either one!

Immigrant's Day -- Argentina

Ludi Romani -- Ancient Roman Calendar (through the 19th; a festival to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, also called Circensian games)

National Day -- Maldives

National Macadamia Nut Day

Newspaper Carrier Day -- US (anniversary of Benjamin Day, publisher of the New York Sun, hiring Barney Flaherty as the first newspaper carrier in 1833)

St. Ida of Herzfeld's Day (Patron of brides, widows)

St. Rose of Viterbo's Festival -- Viterbo, Italy (actual feast day of the saint is March 6)

Anniversaries Today:

Ford Motor Company introduces The Edsel, 1957

Birthdays Today:

Beyonce Knowles, 1981

Ione Skye, 1970

Mike Piazza, 1968

Damon Wayans, 1960

Judith Ivey, 1951

Tom Watson, 1949

Jennifer Salt, 1944

Mitzi Gaynor, 1930

Dick York, 1928

Paul Harvey, 1918

Henry Ford II, 1917

Richard Wright, 1908

Nigel Bruce, 1895

Daniel Hudson Burnham, 1846

Anton Bruckner, 1824

François-René, vicomte de Chateaubriand, 1768

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Captain Midnight"(TV), 1954

"Beetle Bailey"(Comic strip), 1950

"London Calling"(Musical revue), 1923

"Adonis"(Burlesque musical), 1884

Today in History:

Romulus Augustulus, the last Roman emperor in the West, is formally deposed, 476

Edmund Halley, English astronomer, first observes the comet that now bears his name, 1682

The City of Los Angeles is founded in Bahia de las Fumas (Valley of Smokes), 1781

Robert Fulton begins operating his steamboat, 1807

Barney Flahery, age 10, is hired to be the first newsboy, by the NY Sun, 1833

Although he had demonstrated their use before, the first major lighting with electricity comes online as 400 bulbs are lit in offices on Spruce, Wall, Nassau, and Pearl streets in lower Manhattan by Thomas Edison, 1882

The last major US-Indian war ends with the surrender of Apache Chief Geronimo, 1886

George Eastman patents the first roll-film cameral and registers the trademark name "Kodak", 1888

Beatrix Potter first tells the story of Peter Rabbit, 1893

Comic strip "Beetle Bailey" first appears, 1950

The Ford Motor Company introduces the Edsel, 1957

Mark Spitz becomes the first competitor to win seven medals at a single Olympic Games, 1972

Google is founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two students at Stanford University, 1998

A 7.1 earthquake strikes the South Island of New Zealand, causing widespread damage, 2010

Scientists announce the creation of a 'magic carpet' using optical fibers to help prevent elderly people from falling by detecting when unusual footsteps are taken, 2013

Archaeological remains of a Viking fortress from the 900s CE, the Vallø Borgring, is discovered in Denmark, 2014

A 400-year-old sunken Portuguese spice trade ship is discovered near the port of Cascais, Portugal, 2018

A Pew Research Center Study reports that a record 52% of 18-29 year olds are living with their parents due to the pandemic, 2020

The Blue Line, the first metro rail service to Lagos, Nigeria, begins running, cutting a typical commute from 2 hours to 15 minutes, 2023


  1. I love your story, sad though it is, and hope that soon she finds herself in better circumstances.

  2. Halloween already? Our shops are full of Christmas goods.

    God bless.

  3. Everything pumpkin is popping like crazy right now. Get your Halloween things soon before they put it away and get out Christmas. We wish they would sell holiday decor closer to the holidays only.

  4. Those pumpkins are just incredible. How far am I drive by is now got there home grown ones in the front yard for sale.

  5. It comes around so quick roll on Autumn lol :-)

    Have a scarytastic week 👍

  6. We are getting a cold front on Friday! Happy day!

  7. Love those pumpkins! That was a good story, sad, but good.

  8. I'm ready for all and all it brings to us. Beautiful shot.

    What a sad use of the prompts, but a reality for so many. Well done, but sad.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Hugs, my friend. ♥

  9. Great pumpkins!
    You described her plight in such a graphic way, so sad.

  10. For me, every day is "Eat an Extra Dessert Day!" A little paint goes a long way towards creating a truly unique pumpkin. Have a blessed day.

  11. A sad story, but unfortunately the reality of life for too many:(. The colorful pumpkins are really very nice. That is quite the collection.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. That is a sad story but too common in today's times. The pumpkins are lovely.

  13. Dismal story, but well written. I hope the fall paraphernalia will wait a bit; it's more summery now that it has been all summer ;)

  14. Love the pumpkins. Such a sad story. XO

  15. Lulu: "Those pumpkins sure look happy about something!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, that is a sad story and we see that sort of thing around us all the time these days! For a while, long before I was here, Mama and Dada had a temporarily homeless friend staying here for a few months. It's tough to get back on your feet again!"

  16. Those pumpkins are awesome! Your story was sad. You certainly are a talented storyteller, Mimi.

  17. Fantastic and creative pumpkins photo ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. I can't believe it's almost Halloween. Cute pumpkins.


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