Saturday, September 7, 2024

rEcess is Back! A Ten Things of Thankful Post


rEcess is back!  Gotta go with it, and gotta run, cause now in addition to eating, crafting, running in the gym, air hockey and fusball, we're playing night at the museum in the upstairs areas.  Churches are spooky at night with the lights out and it sounds like a herd of elephants up there!

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful.  We have a new host, and i was busy and didn’t see any new links available, but i’ll have them up ASAP if they are.  Meanwhile, list and let us know, it’s fun!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Today is:

Air Force Day -- Pakistan

Aloha Festivals Royal Court Investiture and Opening Ceremonies -- Oahu, Hawai'i, US (opening events of the Aloha Festivals, a month long series of free events on every Island celebrating Hawai'ian culture)

Beer Lovers' Day -- ESPN began to broadcast on this day in 1979

Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day 2023-- US (the Saturday after Labor Day, everyone is encouraged to volunteer in cleaning federal land, recreation areas, or waterways, to help do their part to keep these places beautiful)

Constitution Day -- Fiji

Feel the Love Day

Ganesha Chaturthi -- Hindu (festival to honor the god of prosperity, prudence, and success, Ganesha; local customs and dates can vary, as can official government holiday status)

Grandma Moses Day

Independence Day -- Brazil

Lusaka Peace Agreement Day / Victory Day -- Mozambique

National Acorn Squash Day

National Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness Day -- US (by Senate proclamation in 2004)

National Hummingbird Day -- not official, but someone loves them enough to have started this

National Napoleon Day (the dessert, not the general)

National Threatened Species Day -- Australia

National Writing Date Day -- a day to make a date with yourself to go to a coffee shop or library or someplace and get some writing done; sponsored by Natalie Marie-Collins)

Neither Neither Snow Nor Rain Day -- celebrates the opening of the US Post Office in NYC on this day in 1914, which building has the famous inscription on it

Salami Day -- sponsored by

St. Cloud's Day (a/k/a Clodoald the Confessor; Patron of nail makers; St. Cloud, Minnesota)

St. Regina's Day (Patron of poor people, shepherdesses, torture victims)

Turn A Cartwheel in Public Day -- the internet has it out for us

Anniversary Today:

Sergey Brin and Larry Page incorporate Google, 1998

Birthdays Today:

Evan Rachel Wood, 1987

Devon Sawa, 1978

Angela Gheorghiu, 1965

Michael Feinstein, 1956

Corbin Bernsen, 1954

Chrissie Hynde, 1951

Julie Cavner, 1951

Susan Blakely, 1950

Gloria Gaynor, 1949

Richard Roundtree, 1942

Cuneyt Arkin, 1937

John Phillip Law, 1937

Buddy Holly, 1936

Don Messick, 1927

Peter Lawford, 1923

Jacob Lawrence, 1917

Anthony Quayle, 1913

Elia Kazan, 1909

Michael E. DeBakey, 1908

Grandma Moses, 1860

Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Flying Nun"(TV), 1967

"Truth or Consequences"(TV), 1950

Today in History:

Traditionally, the solar eclipse date that marks the birth of Heracles of Thebes (Latin Hercules), BC1251

The Roman army under Titus occupies and plunders Jerusalem, 70

In the world's first submarine attack, the American submersible craft Turtle attempts to attach a time bomb to the hull of British Admiral Richard Howe's flagship HMS Eagle in New York Harbor, 1776

The "Troy Post" of NY first uses "Uncle Sam" to refer to the US, 1813

Last hold-up of Jesse James, 1881

Edith Eleanor McLean becomes the first baby in the US to be put in an incubator for premature infants, 1888

The Boxer Rebellion in China officially ends with the signing of the Boxer Protocol, 1901

Eugene Lefebvre (1878–1909), while test piloting a new French-built Wright biplane, crashes at Juvisy, France when his controls jam. Lefebvre dies, becoming the first 'pilot' in the world to lose his life in a powered heavier-than-air craft, 1909

The first day of the first Miss America Pageant is held in Atlantic City, NJ, 1921

Philo T. Farnsworth demonstrates the first use of television in San Francisco, 1927

The last surviving member of the thylacine species, Benjamin, dies alone in her cage at the Hobart Zoo in Tasmania, 1936

Integration begins in Washington, D.c. and Baltimore, MD public schools, 1954

Desmond Tutu becomes the first black man to lead the Anglican Church in South Africa, 1986

A 5.9 magnitude earthquake rocks Athens, rupturing a previously unknown fault, 1999

Hurricane Ivan, a Category 5 hurricane, hits Grenada, killing 39 and damaging 90% of its buildings, 2004

The first presidential election is held in Egypt, 2005

The US Government takes control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two largest mortgage financing companies, 2008

Canada closes its Iranian embassy and expels the Iranian diplomatic staff from their country, 2012

Tony Abbott becomes Prime Minister of Australia after the Liberal-National Coalition wins the election, 2013

Asteroid 2014RC makes a close approach to Earth, coming within 39,900km/24,800mi, 2014

British archaeologists announce the discovery of a Neolithic "superhenge" under three feet of earth at Durrington Walls, 2015

The 15th Summer Paralympics opens in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2016

The Indian Space Agency loses contact with its Chandrayaan-2 moon lander just 2 km from landing on the Moon's surface, 2019

El Salvador becomes the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, 2021

The journal "Nature" publishes about the discovery of the earliest evidence of surgery, a 31,000-year-old skeleton with an amputated lower leg, found in a cave in East Kalimantan, Borneo, 2022


  1. rEcess is as always so nice looking, it sure is worth alll the work, you put into it.

  2. Hooray for rEcess which makes so many people happy.

  3. This is great news for everyone who is having fun.

  4. That is such a blessing for those lucky enought to attend!

  5. fun photos and recess is always welcomed by young and not so young ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Nice photos. SOunds like everyone had fun. XO

  7. Despite the noise and chaos, we bet it was a fun night for all. Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. Lulu: "Our Dada says recess was always the best part of the day in elementary school! Although we suspect he doesn't actually remember it."

  9. rEcess! My favorite posts--though all of your posts are great! There is just such energy and joy during rEcess! I hope you all slept well after that busy evening.


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If Blogger puts your comment in "spam jail," i'll try to get it hauled out by day's end.