Thursday, September 19, 2024

Always on the Run (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day, Brian's Thankful Thursday and International Talk Like a Pirate Day


Ms. G decided at the last minute yesterday we were going to her new property in Mississippi to put together the cast iron day beds she had bought, and we'd stop and get lunch to eat on the drive up with her planning to have me back in time for Bible study at 6pm.

We stopped at a place where they make an adequate salad i could eat on the road, and she got sandwich, dripping with sauce and wrapped in foil; while mine proved quite easy to eat as it was chopped up before we left with the food, hers was another story although she did very well and only a small amount of the sauce dripping from the folds of the foil wrapper.

While up in the area, she gave me the grand tour of where her grandmother's house was, where Uncle Fritz used to live but his son is there now, etc., etc., etc., and the place she bought is also on family land, we passed this cousin and that niece or nephew all along the way.

Once we got to her place, the beds gave us fits putting them together as she hadn't brought the right wrench and the spaces were very tight, it was sheer tenacity got them put up and in their places with mattresses and trundles ready under them.

Of course, between the trips down memory lane and the time spent actually doing what she wanted done, we were late heading back home and naturally we had to stop on the way home to feed the feral cat colony, all of which will be trapped and rehomed at two other locations this weekend, as Ms. Fiona will not be living there any longer to take care of them.

We pulled into Ms. G's place at 6:15 and i got to the home where the study is held to find the gate to the subdivision closed, luckily someone had just left and the exit gate was open long enough for me to slip in and though we meet at 6, study itself starts at 6:30 and i took a seat just as they were having opening prayer.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Foil.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!

The fence and view from Ms. G's place in the country.


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

I'm gonna win

I'm gonna get you

I'll bite your head

nothing you can do!

You can't beat me

I've got the right stuff

I'll bite right back

and never holler 'nuff!


Angel Brian's Family of Brian's Home - Forever hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful i got to Bible study just barely in time, it was a lively one as we are discussing the life of Joseph in Genesis.


Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day Get your pirate mojo out and have fun.  


Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Chile

Constitution Day/National Day -- Nepal

Cosmetic Bridge Day -- seems internet generated, but i'm sure your dentist will approve

Day of the First Appearance of the Slovak National Council -- Slovakia

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 9, Freedom (sponsored by We, the World

Hummer/Bird Celebration -- Rockport and Fulton, TX, US (ruby-throated hummingbirds and other avian species are the stars of this show; through Sunday)

Independence Day -- St. Kitts and Nevis(1983)

National Butterscotch Pudding Day

National Teach Ag Day -- US (streamed live from CHS Inc. headquarters 

St. Januarius of Naples' Day (a/k/a Gennaro of Naples; Patron of blood banks; Naples, Italy; against volcanic eruption) related observance

     Feast of San Gennaro -- NYC, NY, US (began on the 13th, continues to the 23rd; one of the highlights of the festival is this, the actual Saint's day)

Women's Suffrage Day -- New Zealand

Birthdays Today:

Alison Sweeney, 1976

Jimmy Fallon, 1974

Jim Abbot, 1967

Soledad 'Brien, 1966

Trisha Yearwood, 1964

Kevin Hooks, 1958

Joan Lunden, 1950

Leslie "Twiggy" Lawson, 1949

Jeremy Irons, 1948

Randolph Mantooth, 1945

Jooe Morgan, 1943

"Mama" Cass Elliot, 1941

Bill Medley, 1940

Paul Williams, 1940

David McCallum, 1933

Mike Royko, 1932

Adam West, 1928

Duke Snider, 1926

Sir William Glding, 1911

Lewis F. Powell, Jr., 1907

Joseph Pasternak, 1901

Henry Peter Brougham, 1778

Charles Carroll, 1737

Jan Luyts, 1655

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Skylight"(Play), 1996

"ER"(TV), 1994

"The Mary Tyler Moore Show"(TV), 1970

Funny Girl(Film), 1968

"Flipper"(TV), 1964

"The Virginian"(TV), 1962

Today in History:

Edward, the Black Prince, commands the forces which defeat the French army and capture France's King John II, 1356

Giles Corey is pressed to death after refusing to plead in the Salem Witch Trials, 1692

The Continental Congress passes the first budget of the US, 1778

Ephraim Morris patents the railroad brake, 1838

Bond and Lassell discover Hyperion, moon of Saturn, 1848

New Zealand becomes the first country to grant all of its women the right to vote, 1893

Funeral of assassinated President William McKinley, 1901

Mickey Mouse makes his screen debut as Steamboat Willie, at the Colony Theater in NYC, 1928

The Council of Europe is founded following a speech by Winston Churchill at the University of Zurich, 1946

Nikita Khrushchev is barred from visiting Disneyland, 1959

Betty and Barney Hill claim that they saw a mysterious craft in the sky and that it tried to abduct them, 1961

The Solomon Islands join the United Nations, 1978

Scott Fahlman posts the first documented emoticons :-) and :-( on the Carnegie Mellon University Bulletin Board System, 1982

Ötzi the Iceman is discovered by German tourists, 1991

The BP oil well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico was declared “effectively dead” by retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the government’s point man on the blowout disaster, 2010

A joint summit between North and South Korea ends with an agreement from North Korea to limit its nuclear program and South Korea to cooperate economically, 2018

According to a study published in the journal "Science," since 1970 the number of birds in North America has declined by 30%, 2019

British monarch Queen Elizabeth II is interned at Windsor Castle, 2022

Scientists announce the discovery of the site of the Amazon's tallest tree, an angelim vermelho at 88.5 meters (290 feet) tall and 9.9 meters (32 feet) wide, at the Iratapuru River Nature Reserve in northern Brazil, 2022


  1. I am so glad that you got to Bible Study in the nick of time. Another long day for you.
    And I love your poem.

  2. Yarrrh! Eating a sando with no dripping is a true victory!

  3. Family land? I used to dream about that when I was little. I'd have a farm so big all the kids I would have could build their own houses on the property.
    Glad you made it to Bible Study. I used to go to an afternoon group but only to babysit all the kids for the mothers.
    Cute kitty picture and poem.

  4. Sometimes being on time isn't as important as being with others and helping them out, but you still did make it on time. We are sure you are rarely late for anything, so people will understand.

  5. What a great long fence. And you literally squeaking under the wire so to speak to get to Bible study. You two women were brave and strong to wrestle those beds.

  6. Dang, that sure was quite the busy day and a good thankful to make it back in time. Good luck with the feral rehoming, that doesn't always work. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Well done everyone... and I love the poem with the two tiny kitties!

  8. Another busy day and good luck with the feral rehoming ~ am thankful for you ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. A lovely Six - just in time! The kittie pic and poem are simply delightful!

  10. Phew! Good timing, all's well that ends well, and another good day with good ol' Mrs G.

  11. You really go above and beyond to go out of state and assemble furniture. Glad you made it to Bible study. Just reading about you being trapped with someone and running late ups my anxiety. I make a point to only go in cars with my mom or hubby because they understand my anxiety. XO

  12. I love the idea of Thankful Thursday. There's always so much to be thankful for, I think.

  13. Arrr! Wee kittens, balls o' fluff
    Fighting, me hearties...
    An orange and grey scruff!

    Not my best effort, but it's been a while for talking like a pirate...

  14. Pirate mojo - we love it!!!''Ms. G really keeps you busy, doesn't she? We are glad you made it back for the study time. A peaceful way to end a hectic day.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. Road trip with Ms. G.! On the go busy but talk about good timing. Glad you were able to make Bible Study. A house in the middle of fields. Peaceful.

  16. close one!
    love that concept of gaining access through a secure area via the exit. so subversive! lol

  17. Absolutely PRECIOUS poem with the two kittens....watching a couple of kittens play is something I've never seen before but I'm sure it's hilariously fun. Thank you for being a poetry partner with us are SO talented in SO many ways.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  18. Java Bean: "Ayyy, dripping food and cars don't mix! Or rather, they mix all too well ..."


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