Saturday, September 7, 2024

Just a Quick Word

 Will try to get a post up regularly and visit everyone ASAP although it might take a day or so.

#2 Son and His Bride are at the hospital, the baby is on the way.

As soon as i can, i'll be back to my regularly scheduled programming.


  1. Wonderful news. Take as long as you need. We will keep the lights on for you.

  2. How wonderful, prayers from all of us too.

  3. All the best to the parents. And early congrats to you.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  4. Such great news. Purrs and prayers from us!

  5. Wonderful news! Take as long as you need.

  6. Oh how wonderful...purraying for a healthy birth for the mama and the baby🙏🐾😽💞

  7. I had missed this, but I am happy to know all is well. :)

  8. Java Bean: "Ayyy, that is a much nicer reason than most for being at the hospital! Congratulations to all!"

  9. Give your grandchild a kiss for me, Mimi ;-)
    All the best to you all.


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