Monday, September 16, 2024

Sneaky (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quotes of the Week and Poetry Monday


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Lulu was nosing behind the dog food bin and snapping up spilled kibbles.  At first i passed it off, but after i picked up the bin to see how many kibbles were back there, i realized the bin had a hole in it and she was nudging it to make more food spill out!

She wouldn't turn around and let me get a good photo of her after i sealed the hole with tape and she couldn't keep helping herself to more food!


Sparks is the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, who wanted us to post something positive and uplifting at the start of the week.  While she no longer blogs, i like to post an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.     


Our dear friend Diane is taking a break

accommodations we must make

we miss her poetry and wit

so carry on as Poetry Monday's a hit!

Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border.  Charlotte/Mother Owl and i are keeping it going while she takes a blog break, we hope temporarily.  Anyone else is welcome to join in the fun, just let us know!

This week the theme is Intention.                       

I read some funny lines

and it was not my intention

to offend anyone, but they're

too good not to mention,

So i turned them into haikus

for your perusing pleasure

but please don't be insulted,

they don't mean you in any measure:

Insulting you is

not my intention really

just a nice bonus

If your wife really

intends to learn how to drive

don't stand in her way

Pudgy one's intentions

to join a gym and get fit

never quite work out

It takes more than good

intentions to be organ

donors -- it takes guts

I hope my intention

wasn't confusing,

and wasn't insulting,

but just amusing.

(Based on jokes i read and not actually intended toward the audience now reading!)


Future themes are:

Sept. 16 intention (Today!)

Sept. 23 teaching

Sept. 30 feedback

Oct. 7 shower

Oct. 14 island

Oct. 21 apple

Oct. 29 small


Today is:

Anne Bradstreet Day -- Massachusetts, US (by Proclamation of the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to honor Anne Bradstreet, America’s first poet, who is also recognized as the first published woman poet in the English language)

Cherokee Strip Day -- Oklahoma, US (anniversary of the last land run, in 1893, which opened Native American land to white settlers)

Collect Rocks Day 

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 6, Children & Youth (sponsored by We, the World

Festival for Ra, Osiris, and Horus -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Independence Day -- Malaysia(1963); Mexico(1910); Nicaragua; Papua New Guinea(1975)

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer -- UN (commemorates the signing, in 1987, of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer)

International Love Your Files Week -- the week to make sure your filing system is working for you

International Women's Ecommerce Days -- supporting women's online business endeavours and buying power; through Friday

Jeans for Genes Week -- UK (convince your school or workplace to let you pay for the privilege of wearing jeans one day this week, with the money going toward research of genetic diseases)   

Keiro no hi -- Japan (Respect for the Aged Day)

Martyrs' Day -- Libya

Mawlid an Nabi -- Islam/Muslim (Prophet's Birthday, began sunset yesterday; celebrated over the next several days, depending on which country)

Mayflower Day -- the ship left England on this day in 1620

National Cinnamon Raisin Bread Day

National Guacamole Day 

National Gymnastics Day -- US (sponsored by USA Gymnastics)      

National Heroes' Day -- St. Kitts and Nevis

National Play-Doh Day -- unofficial; get some anyway and be a kid again for a little while

National Teaching Assistants' Day -- UK    

Owain Glyndwr Day -- Wales

St. Cornelius' Day (Patron of cattle, domestic animals, earache sufferers, epileptics; Kornelimunster, Germany; against earache, epilepsy, fever, twitching )

St. Cyprian of Carthage's Day (Patron of Algeria, North Africa)

St. Euphemia's Day (Patron of Rovinj, Croatia)

St. Ludmilla's Day (Grandmother of St. "Good King" Winceslaus; Patron of converts, duchesses, widows; Bohemia; Czech Republic; against in-law problems)

Stay Away From Seattle Day -- yes, really 

Stepfamily Day -- US and others who choose to recognize it (if you have stepfamily you love, celebrate it wherever you live)   

     originally founded as National Stepfamily Day in 1977 by Christy Borgeld)

Working Parents Day -- internet generated, enjoy if you are a working parent or have a working parent you want to thank

Birthdays Today:

Nick Jonas, 1992

Sabrina Bryan, 1984

Alexis Bledel, 1982

Amy Poehler, 1971

Marc Anthony, 1968

Molly Shannon, 1964

Richard Marx, 1963

Jennifer Tilly, 1961

Orel Leonard Hershiser IV, 1958

David Copperfield, 1956

Mickey Rourke, 1956

Robin Yount, 1955

Mark McEwen, 1954

Henry Louis Gates, Jr., 1950

Susan Ruttan, 1950

Ed Begley, Jr., 1949

Elgin Gay Baylor, 1934

Anne Francis, 1932

Peter Falk, 1927

B.B. King, 1925

Lauren Bacall, 1924

Janice Page, 1923

Allen Funt, 1914

James Cash Penney, 1875

Francis Parkman, 1823

Anthony Panizzi, 1797

Hildegard of Bingen, 1098

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Frasier"(TV), 1993

"Miami Vice"(TV), 1984

"Logan's Run"(TV), 1977

"Bridget Loves Bernie"(TV), 1972 (first mixed marriage portrayed on television)

"Mannix"(TV), 1967

"Shindig"(TV), 1964

"The Outer Limits"(TV), 1963

"Broadway"(Play), 1926

Today in History:

The Massachusetts village of Shawmut changes its name to Boston, 1630

Handel's "The Messiah" premiers in Dublin, 1741

The Great Seal of the United States is used for the first time, 1782

Russians set fire to Moscow shortly after midnight – the city burns down completely days later, 1812

Slavery is abolished in all French Territories, 1848

The Cherokee Strip, in Oklahoma, is opened, making land available to white settlers, 1893

Roald Amundsen discovers the magnetic south pole, 1906

William Durant, carriage-maker, founds General Motors Corp., 1908

Juan Perón is deposed in Argentina, 1955

Malaysia is formed, 1963

Cape Verde, Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe join the United Nations, 1975

Shavarsh Karapetyan saves 20 people from the trolleybus that had fallen into Erevan reservoir, 1976

An earthquake measuring 7.5-7.9 on the Richter scale hits the city of Tabas, Iran killing about 25,000 people, 1978

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines join the United Nations, 1980

The Montreal Protocol is signed to protect the ozone layer from depletion, 1987

The Pound Sterling is forced out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism by currency speculators and is forced to devalue against the German mark, 1992

Mexico celebrates its 200th anniversary of independence, 2010

Denmark elects its first female Prime Minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, 2011

NASA scientists announce the discovery of a circumbinary planet - a planet the orbits two stars instead of one, 2011

The National Zoo in Washington, D.C., announces a successful artificial insemination as Mei Xiang gives birth to her second giant panda cub, 2012

The brain-eating amoeba, Naegleria fowleri, is found in tap water near New Orleans, the first time ever detected in the U.S. water supply, 2013

The cycling land speed record for men and women is broken by Denise Mueller Korenek, riding at 183.932 mph (296.010 kph) at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, US, 2018

Britain's Kew Gardens now holds the world record for the largest living plant collection (16,900) on a single site according to Guinness World Records, 2021

A massive rockslide in Greenland creates a tsunami wave in the Dickson fjord, setting of earth tremors for nine days, 2023


  1. Busted! She had a good thing going there until she was caught. Good thing you found the hole and got it patched.

  2. Lulu had good intention when she went looking for extra doggy kibble. I like your spark about good intention though and getting out there and making a difference. Sometimes I don't feel like I make any difference to anybody but maybe I do and I just don't know it.

  3. Poor Lulu lost her kibble buffet LOL! That's a good Spark and fun poems too.

  4. As a native Okie I believe I am obligated to celebrate Cherokee Strip Day. Oklahoma became a state just 14 years after the last land run.
    I think maybe National Guacamole Day should be combined with National Chips & Salsa Day...whenever that is. Have a blessed week.

  5. Lulu: "Hmm, an automatic kibble dispenser? I wonder if we can score one of those ..."

  6. Lulu is a cutie pie. Love pups and kitties.

    Love your Sparks. That's how I lived my life.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Hugs. ♥

  7. LuLu ~ you are one smart doggie ~ sweet photos of you ~ Great 'sparks' too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. I wonder if that brain eating amoeba is still in the New Orleans water system? How did they find it I wonder and do they still test for it? I vaguely remember when that was reported. Can't imagine how it ever got there!

  9. Lulu that sounds like something Frodo would do!!!

  10. Lulu is a clever girl. Nice sparks and fun poetry. :)

  11. The Haikus are very good. Lulu is a clever girl.

  12. Hehe - insulting poems disguised as Haiku. I love them. I think I know the perfect victim :D Thanks.


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