Monday, September 2, 2024

Happiness Is (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Poetry Monday


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

For Lulu, happiness is getting to lick the rest of the waffle syrup off the plate.


Sparks is the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, who wanted us to post something positive and uplifting at the start of the week.  While she no longer blogs, i like to post an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.     


Our dear friend Diane is taking a break

accommodations we must make

we miss her poetry and wit

so carry on as Poetry Monday's a hit!

Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border Charlotte/Mother Owl and i are keeping it going while she takes a blog break, we hope temporarily.  Anyone else is welcome to join in the fun, just let us know!

This week the theme is Height.                  


height bigotry is

rude stop looking down on us

short people now please


sorting animals

by their height and weight is just

plain critter sizing


Two Cajuns were trying

to determine how high

the flagpole was from which

their new flag would fly.

A carpenter came past

and heard them discuss,

and she loosened the bolts

laid it down without fuss,

Took out her tape measure

and checked quick and neat,

then she told them,

"Boys, it's 30 feet."

"Mais!" observed Boudreaux,

"dat woman be wrong,

we done ax fo' de height

an' she tole us how long!"


Future themes are:

Sept. 2 height (Today!)

Sept. 9 family

Sept. 16 intention

Sept. 23 teaching

Sept. 30 feedback


Today is:

Bison-Ten-Yell Day -- celebrating the imaginary Bison-Ten-Yell, inventor of 10 battle yells now used as American football signals

Celtic Tree Month Muin (Vine) begins

Dia de Santiago Iglesias Pantin -- Puerto Rico

Feast of Osiris -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Independence Day -- Transdniestria

Labor Day/Labour Day -- Bermuda; Canada; Palau; U.S. and Territories

Luxembourg City Kermesse -- Luxembourg City, Luxembourg (the capital city gets a day off to enjoy the country's biggest fun festival)

National Blueberry Popsicle Day

National Day -- Vietnam

Pierce Your Ears Day -- does a kitten screaming in my ear count?  oh, since the person who decided we should celebrate this today didn't leave a trace, i guess it's okay to interpret any way we want

Sacrifice to Hekate and Artemis -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

Sedantag -- Germany

St. Agricola of Avignon's Day (Patron of rain -- for or against, whichever you need! -- of good weather and storks; Avignon, France; against misfortune and plague epidemics)

Umhlanga -- Eswatini (Swaziland) (Reed Dance Public Holiday and final day, culmination of the Reed Dance Celebration begun last week and sponsored by the Royal Family)

VJ Day -- Surrender Ceremony took place on this date aboard the USS Missouri

Anniversary Today:

Beginning of the Marathon Runs during the Persian War, Sept. 2-9, 490BC

Birthdays Today:

Cynthia Watros, 1968

Salma Hayek, 1966

Lennox Lewis, 1965

Keanu Reeves, 1964

Linda Purl, 1955

Jimmy Connors, 1952

Mark Harmon, 1951

Eric Dickerson, 1950

Christa McAuliffe, 1948

Nathaniel “Tiny” Archibald, 1948

Terry Bradshaw, 1948

Peter Victor Ueberroth, 1937

Marge Champion, 1923

Cleveland Amory, 1917

Lili'uokalani, 1838

James Forten, 1766

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Rose-Marie"(Operetta), 1924

"East of Suez"(Play), 1922

Ordinance on the Danish Church(Publication Date), 1637

Today in History:

Cicero's first Philippic (oratorical attack) on Marc Antony, BC44

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII of Egypt declares her son co-ruler as Ptolemy XV Caesarion, BC44

Octavian's troops win the Battle of Actium which ends the Final war of the Roman Republic, BC31

The Great Fire of London breaks out and burns for three days; it ends with 8 dead and 13,000 houses destroyed, 1666

Great Britain adopts the Gregorian calendar, nearly two centuries later than most of Western Europe, 1752

US Treasury Dept. is established by Congress, 1789

The solar super storm continues to affect electrical telegraph service, 1859

Theodore Roosevelt adivses the US to "Speak softly, and carry a big stick." 1901

President Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam becomes the first foreign head of state to make a state visit to Australia, 1957

The Principality of Sealand is established, ruled by Prince Paddy Roy Bates, 1967

Swissair Flight 111 crashes near Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia; all 229 people on board are killed, 1998

Pope Benedict hosts an eco-festival, "Save Creation Day," in Loreto, Italy, to encourage Catholics to live an eco-friendly lifestyle, 2007

Ending a 50-year ban on veiled female news presenters, Egypt's state television gives its female presenters a choice of wearing, or not wearing, a veil, 2012

Swimmer Diana Nyad makes history, becoming the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage, 2013

The public learns about AT&T's The Hemisphere Project, which gives telephone call data to law enforcement agencies, including the DEA, 2013

Earth's trees number just over 3 trillion according to study published in "Nature" by Thomas Crowther of Yale University, 2015

A major fire at the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro destroys most of its 20 million artifacts, 2018

The attempted assassination of Argentina's vice-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner fails when the assassin's gun jams, 2022

India successfully launches its first spacecraft to study the sun, Aditya-L1, 2023


  1. I love that your poems are frequently funny. Lulu was certainly enjoying that treat.

  2. Thank you for the inspiring quotations. God bless you.

  3. It looks like you really enjoy washing the dishes, LOL!

  4. Inspiring Sparks on Labor Day Monday. And Lulu knows what's good doesn't she.

  5. I love to collect inspring quotes. Thank for sharing these.

  6. Awww, precious Lulu sure loves that yum! Those were good Sparks too!

  7. I can definitely relate to Lulu's sweet tooth! Great poems and quotes!

  8. Awww, Lulu is adorable and I'd share too. So precious.

    Love the Sparks. Spot on.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

  9. Lulu ~ you are a sweetie ~ hugs, ~ Great sparks ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I love Cajun jokes. I could read or hear scores of them in a row!

  11. Funny poems - I love them, but now I am undone, I read your poems before writing my own, which is the height of stupidity - at least it seems like that to me.

    1. And I hope my first comment went into spam prison and did not disappear in the twisting ehter of the 'web.

  12. Lucky pup. Funny poem/joke. :) And great sparks.

  13. "St. Agricola of Avignon's Day " is the possibility of rain! Rain! Flag Pole, good one. She had some common sense.

  14. Awwws, quotes and poems - enjoyed them all especially Boudreaux's observation!

  15. I'm with Lulu. Waffle syrup is yummy!

  16. Lulu: "I have seen our Dada do that with his own plate after eating waffles or pancakes. Shhh, don't tell."


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