Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Zips, Pills and How’s Your Week, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Things looked a bit more promising this week when i got to Carl's place.  The laundry room is always the first place i go to put things down and not only were the clothes in the dryer actually clean and almost dry when i arrived, the washer was full of clean clothes which had actually been washed on a proper wash cycle.

I say almost dry because the "auto sensor" feature of the dryer is finicky and often leaves some of the clothes very damp.  But he'd done a full and proper load, and started a second one, correctly.

Miracles do happen.

Ms. V poked her head in and said she was getting ready for a morning appointment.  It's most unusual for her to be up at that time but she can do mornings when she has to.

Carl, however, does mornings very reluctantly and made plans to sleep in his chair a while longer as i went to tackle his room.

There were not nearly as many dirty clothes this week, dry conditions help keep the laundry down.

Carl has a bad habit of opening a bottle, taking out a pill or capsule or whatever, then setting the bottle down wherever he happens to be and leaving the top off.  Usually the worst result of this is the bottle getting knocked over and the pills spilled, but this week there was a different problem.  One of the bottles must have gotten water in it, or been in a very damp location, as the capsules had fused together and couldn't be separated.  I tried and they just all broke open and spilled, or tore apart, or wouldn't come apart at all.

Why yes, he does buy a lot of his gas pills and Beano pills, why do you ask?

When Carl finally got up to take his shower, i reminded him 3 times to throw the pajamas out of the door before stepping in the shower so i could wash all of his bedding and pajamas at the same time in one big load.

Three times was not enough, i waited until i was sure he was in the shower with the curtain pulled, then gently opened the door and grabbed them myself.  Sometimes needs must.

I went to pack his ice vest, which i finally found hanging in the laundry room, and his lunch.  He'd made two sandwiches.

One was in a two gallon zip bag, the other in two snack size bags.  Yes, two bags at the same time, one slipped around it from each side.  Once he was in the kitchen, i showed him the difference between the snack bags and the sandwich bags and showed him where they were.  Then i repacked the sandwiches in the right bags, used the snack bags to pack his carrot sticks and a cookie, and washed the two gallon bag for a different use.

As he ate breakfast and walked around his room getting ready, Carl chatted away as he likes to do.

"I went to a dance this weekend..." he started and trailed off, then continued, "got pictures!"

I'm glad you went and hope it was fun, i told him.

"Yeah, but I went to Sam's apartment and knocked, she didn't answer...wanted her to go..."

Sam is the girl he is sweet on, and i told him i was sorry she wan't home when he wanted her to go to a dance with him.

At that point he asked me what sounded like, "Pass the checks!"  Before i could imagine what he was talking about, i realized he meant the Chex cereal, and passed him the box.  He wanted to add them to his bowl which already had oat circle cereal, milk, prunes, dates and oatmeal in it.  What can i say, he likes variety.

He continued talking about stores going out of business, watching a video about how a new restaurant got its start, and a few other things.

After breakfast, he came back to his room and said, "How's the week look?"

Mine or yours? i asked.  He seemed confused by that and i told him my week would be busy, but i know he has Thursday off.

"Oh, for Habitat!"

Ah, that's why he asked for this coming Thursday off, he wants to join the church people for the Habitat for Humanity building project.  We can only hope that works out better than camp last week, which he skipped and his mother put him to work on projects around the house.

He'd loaded his car and come back in for a couple of things, and finally looked at me and said, "Badges?"

Work badges? i asked.  I haven't seen a work badge of his in months, and told him so.  He is either doing without, or keeping them in the car or at work.

He left then, and didn't shut the door behind him, which i found out when i went to see why the A/C was running full tilt but it didn't seem to be getting any cooler in there.

Taking a cue from his, "How's the week look," some funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful day, everyone!


Today is:

Amilcar Cabral's Birthday/Independence Day/National Day -- Guinea Bissau(1973)

Armed Forces Day -- Peru

Constitution Day/Recoronation of King Norodom Sihanouk -- Cambodia

Do Impressions of Famous People Around the Office Day -- again, i wonder about the intentions of those who start these things

Feast of Our Lady of Mercy -- Catholic Christian

     Lady of Mercedes Day -- Dominican Republic

     La Merce -- Barcelona, Spain

Festival of the Latest Novelties -- an internet generated holiday to celebrate everything from traditional whoopie cushions to some of the more modern and weird novelty gifts out there; a great day for practical jokers

Gallbladder Good Health Day -- seems unsponsored, but there's information about keeping your gallbladder healthy here 

Going Forth of Isis -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Heritage Day -- South Africa

Lady of Mercedes Day -- Dominican Republic

Mahidol Day -- Thailand (commemorates the passing of Prince Father Mahidol Adulyadej, the "Father of Thai Modern Medicine")

Moose Day -- the day Bullwinkle J. Moose, from Frostbite Falls, MN, US, and his pal Rocky the Flying Squirrel (Rocket J. Squirrel) debuted in 1959

National Bluebird of Happiness Day -- US (and no one knows why, but it's supposed to be a day to go spread some happiness)

National Cherries Jubilee Day

National Punctuation Day® -- US, but good punctuation matters everywhere!  make sure you are using those punctuation marks correctly! Jeff Rubin can help

National Voter Registration Day -- US (Celebrating Democracy in America) 

New Caledonia Day -- New Caledonia

Republic Day -- Trinidad and Tobago

Santa Cruz Day -- Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving -- Pennsylvania Dutch followers of Silesian Reformation theology

St. Gerard's Day (Patron of Hungary)

St. Rupert's Day (Patron of Salzburg, Austria, where it is an official school and government holiday)

Transatlantic Telephone Day -- the first cable across the Atlantic was completed on this day in 1956

Woman Road Warrior Day -- to recognize the traveling businesswomen in today's world

World School Milk Day -- UN

Birthdays Today:

Morgan Hamm, 1982

Paul Hamm, 1982

Nia Vardalos, 1962

Kevin Sorbo, 1958

Alan Colmes, 1950

Gordon Clapp, 1948

Phil Hartman, 1948

Linda McCartney, 1941

Jim Henson, 1936

Anthony Newley, 1931

Sheila MacRae, 1924

Jim McKay, 1921

F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1896

John Marshall, 1755

Horace Walpole, 1717

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Nevermind"(Album release), 1991

"No More Lonely Nights"(McCartney single release), 1984

"The Love Boat"(TV), 1977

"60 Minutes"(TV), 1968

"Daniel Boone"(TV), 1964

"The Munsters"(TV), 1964

"Love of Life"(TV), 1951

"Once in a Lifetime"(Play), 1930

Today in History:

Prophet Muhammad completes his hijra from Mecca to Medina, 622

The last Emperor of the Komnenian restoration of the Byzantine Empire, Manuel I Komnenos, dies; the empire slips into terminal decline, 1180

The Dutch Republic surrenders New Amsterdam to England, 1664

The first autopsy and coroner's jury verdict is recorded in the state of Maryland, 1657

John Jay is appointed by George Washington as the first Chief Justice of the then six-person Supreme Court, which was instituted by the Federal Judiciary Act passed that same day, 1789

US Attorney General Office is created, 1789

The Northern Daily Times becomes the first provincial daily newspaper in London, 1853

Alexander Dey patents a dial time recorder, 1889

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially renounces polygamy, 1890

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt proclaims Devils Tower in Wyoming as the nation's first National Monument, 1906

Cathay Pacific Airways is founded in Hong Kong, 1946

The Honda Motor Company is founded, 1948

Forest fires black out the sun over portions of Canada and New England, and a Blue moon (in the astronomical sense) is seen as far away as Europe, 1950

Camp Nou, the largest stadium in Europe, is opened in Barcelona, 1957

President Dwight D. Eisenhower sends 101st Airborne Division troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to enforce desegregation, 1957

The United States court of appeals orders the University of Mississippi to admit James Meredith, 1962

Swaziland joins the United Nations, 1968

Compu-Serve launches the first consumer internet service, which features the first public electronic mail service, 1979

Periodic Great White Spot observed on Saturn, 1990

Hurricane Rita devastates Beaumont, Texas, southwest Louisiana, and finishing off some of the parts of New Orleans and southeast Louisiana that Katrina missed, 2005

The G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, PA, US, marks the first use of LRAD for crowd control in the US, 2009

Nigeria's government opens two swollen dams and displaces about two million people, 2010

Plastic polystyrene rubbish is discovered for first time only 1,000 miles from the north pole by an international team of scientists, 2017

Spain's Supreme Court rules the body of Francisco Franco can be removed from the Valley of the Fallen to a municipal cemetery, 2019

The "post-tropical storm" remnant of Hurricane Fiona makes landfall near Whitehead, Nova Scotia, with sustained wind speeds of 165 km/h (103 mph); the strongest low-pressure system in Canadian history, 2022

NASA's OSIRIS-REX mission to retrieve a space rock from the asteroid Bennu successfully returns to earth, landing in Utah, 2023


  1. What a week this year has been.

    God bless.

  2. Of course your week is busy. Insanely so by my wimpy standards.
    Thanks for the funnies - and yes, I so understand the what a week this day has been one.

  3. You are always busy, it's hard to go non stop but you do what you have to do. This week is a bit more relaxed at our house. Last week was way too much and Mom was about to explode. Good funnies.

  4. Busy, non-stop and Carl all fit well in the same sentence. Great funnies!

  5. Carl is so entertaining and I always look forward to your Tuesday posts. He's a whirlwind.

    Love all the funnies and my weeks are always fabulous. That's what happens when you're retired.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  6. Love the Adventures of Carl so to speak. Look forward to those. Glad he can drive by the way. Is his girl sweet on him too? The funnies were great. As with the rest of us here, I sure know how the day can be a week seemingly.

  7. Those funnies are great. I especially love the last one. The perfect one for the last one.

  8. What a week this day has been! Wholeheartedly yes to that one. I admire your stamina.

  9. Carl is a wonder and you take such good care of him ~ such great 'week' funnies ~ Lol ~ thanks, hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Maybe if he had called the girl ahead of time, she would have gone. :)

  11. I love the first funny with the minion, that should go on a coffee mug.

  12. So how was your DAY??? A day with Carl is like a whole week:). At least he got a few things right. We give him good grades for effort.

    Hope the rest of your week goes smoothly.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Carl strikes again! Your funnies made me yawn - in a good way of course!

  14. Java Bean: "Ayyy, it WAS a good week! At least for us dogs! We had food, we had beds, we got to play ..."
    Charlee: "Don't you dogs do that every week?"
    Java Bean: "We do! And that is why it's good to be a dog."


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