Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Where’s My Glasses and What’s That Smell, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  http://stacyuncorked.com

Carl's work schedule seems to have settled in to a groove which allows him to sleep a while longer after i come to clean (he used to have to get there 2 hours earlier).

The laundry room looked like he'd tried and failed to start a load, with still dirty clothes hanging out of the washer.  The dryer had clean mostly dry clothes.  

I went to move him to the sleep chair and he said, "Can you wake me at 7:08?"

Rather a specific time, i noted, but yes, i can do that.

Meanwhile, i got into his room.

He'd left the lunch meat out, probably since making the sandwiches for work the day before.  That would have to go in the trash can.

Which he'd changed, and almost got the bag back on.  The clips were nearby so i took care of that.

I also noticed he had his shoes on the shoe dryer, since it had rained last week they probably needed it.

Of course, it only works if you plug it in, and it was not plugged in.  I've learned to check, and then plug it in for myself.

The swim trunks he was so careful to inform me last week were, in fact, swim trunks and not for wearing to work, were back with the dirty work clothes.  Maybe he'd felt it was appropriate to wear them in the rain, who knows.

I found his ice chest and opened it and thought, good, it's empty, but then i got a good whiff.  I'm glad i don't know what he had in there at the end of last week.

When it was time to wake him up, he snuggled down into his pillow and blanket and said, "Four more minutes!"

Four? i thought, but gave him almost 10.  Then it was high time for him to be in the shower so i could get the laundry started.

He remembered to throw his dirty PJ's out of the door so i could get them with the rest of that load.

After the shower,  he chatted as always.

"I went to....um, this weekend," he trailed off and i never quite figured out where, but he was off to the next topic.

"I have spider webs in the window," he noted and i promised to take care of them and did.

He can't see a huge mess right in front of him, but he sees anything moving and bugs are his nemesis.

As i put ice packs in his vest, he commented, "I don't like those!  They're hard to wear."

Of course they are, i answered.  You won't refreeze them flat in the freezer, so i can barely get them into the pockets of the ice vest. it's why you have to start putting them flat in the freezer and you'll end this problem.

He hears this, but it doesn't quite sink in, so i'll be fighting this good fight again next week.

He also discussed how the trash cans are missing at work.  Since one of his jobs when he's not pushing carts is to gather trash, this is something which really bothers him.

Then, "What's up at church?"

The Habitat for Humanity build is on, i responded, and he said, "Oh.  It's hard.  Coordinate."

I'm not sure if he meant such builds are hard to put together logistically or if he's saying he, personally, finds it hard to coordinate the time to schedule to volunteer.  Probably both.

Always, always he has trouble holding onto things which do not stay attached to him.  As his mother says, he's never come home without his pants, so at least there's that.  But he's gone through the whole box of sunglasses Ms. V bought him.

He was down to one, with the usual results.  I handed it to him as he was on the way out the door and as usual, the next time i saw him a few minutes later he was back wandering through the house asking, "Where are my sunglasses?"

Wherever you left them, i told him, and a good while after he'd left the building, i found them.

How about some funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!



Today is:

Dia del Nino -- Honduras (Children's Day)

National Day -- Gibraltar

Saint George's Caye Day -- Belize (National Day)

Sewing Machine Day -- date of issuance of an early sewing machine patent, to Elias Howe; some sites call this "Sew Be It! Day"

Swap Ideas Day -- Robert L. Birch of Puns Corp wants people to explore ways in which their ideas can be put to work to benefit all humanity and develop incentives to encourage using our creative imaginations

St. Finian's Day (Patron of Ulster, Ireland)

St. Nicholas of Tolentino's Day (Patron of animals, baby, dying people, mariners/sailors, sick animals; Albi, Italy; Cabanatuan, Philippines; Guimbai, Philippines; Lambuna, Philippines; Mati, Philippines; Tandag, Philippines; Toentino, Italy)

Teacher's Day -- China

TV Dinner Day

World Suicide Prevention Day 

Birthdays Today:

Clark Johnson, 1964

Randy Johnson, 1963

Colin Firth, 1960

Amy Irving, 1953

Joe Perry, 1950

Judy Geeson, 1948

Jose Feliciano, 1945

Stephen Jay Gould, 1941

Karl Lagerfeld, 1938

Charles Kuralt, 1934

Roger Maris, 1934

Arnold Palmer, 1929

Rin Tin Tin, 1918

Fay Wray, 1907

Adele Astaire, 1896

Elsa Schiaparelli, 1890

Franz Werfel, 1890

Ian Fleming, 1888

Isaac Kauffman Funk, 1839

Marie Laveau, 1801

Carter Braxton, 1736

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The X Files"(TV), 1993

"Gentle Ben"(TV), 1967

"The Road Runner Show"(TV), 1966

"Gunsmoke"(TV), 1955

"Benvenuto Cellini(Berlioz opera), 1838

Today in History:

The Battle of Marathon takes places between the forces of the Persian Empire and those of Athens, BC490*

An earthquake known as "The Lesser Judgment Day" hits Istanbul, 1509

John Smith is elected president of Jamestown, Va., Colony Council, 1608

Nathan Hale answers the call of George Washington for a volunteer spy, 1776

Simón Bolívar is named President of Peru, 1823

Elias Howe is granted a patent for the sewing machine, 1846

George Mary Searle discovers the asteroid 55 Pandora, 1858

Lincoln Highway, the first paved coast-to-coast road in the US, opens, 1913

Austria and the Allies sign the Treaty of Saint-Germain recognizing the independence of Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, 1919

20 African-American students enter public schools in Alabama, 1963

Hamida Djandoubi, convicted of torture and murder, is the last person to be executed by guillotine in France, 1977

Switzerland, traditionally a neutral country, joins the United Nations, 2002

The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, described as the biggest scientific experiment in history is powered up in Geneva, Switzerland, 2008

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres makes an urgent call for a climate change conference saying "climate change is moving faster than we are," 2018

Researcher Martin Hairer wins Breakthrough prize for mathematics for work on stochastic analysis, 2020

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visits and calls for global support for flood-ravaged Pakistan, where 33 million people are displaced, 2022

*actual date disputed, but it was the 9th day of the 9th moon on their calendar


  1. Carl is a handful. Thanks for the funnies.

  2. Thanks for the funnies. I like that ladybug one, they ARE evil, they always bite me, and it hurts!
    Thank you for the tales of Carl, having a crazy family becomes a bit easier every time.

  3. You have the patience of a saint. His stories are funny, but for you to deal with this weekly takes a special person :)

  4. The tales of Carl are interesting. I know he doesn't know better the things he says or does but you sure have some great inspiration for writing a book someday. You must have a good deal of patience is all I can say. I got tickled with the times he gave you. 7:08 for waking him and then 4 minutes to snooze. :D

    National TV Dinner Day...when I hear "TV Dinner Day" the old foiled and cardboard tops come floating back to my memories. As a kid I thought those were pretty neat to have on occasion. They were still around in 1980. I remember when we moved into this house, we were cleaning it up the evening before we signed the papers and for dinner that night, we had two TV dinners on a make shift table an inverted cardboard box. :) That's a sweet memory!

  5. You sure do earn your hazard pay at Carl's place! Those were such good funnies.

  6. Congratulations finding all those memes. I laughed my (you know what) off.

  7. I got tired just looking at the pictures of Carl's place. I know you put everything in order. You're most amazing with him.

    Love all the funnies. I spewed my coffee more than once.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  8. You are an angel to Carl ~ and what great funnies ~ thanks, hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. I swear, Carl is a unique man if I ever heard of one. Love reading about him and your patience says you must have had 10 boys for children. :-)

  10. Carl is always interesting. Great funnies.

  11. When we saw the post title, we knew it was Carl Day, and as usual, he kept us smiling with his interesting ways. And we agree with Katie Isabella about your patience.

    Thanks for the chuckles too

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. Charlee: "Hmm, that is a highly specific wake-up time. Seems like a wake-up time our Dada would set based on some kind of calculation of how long it will take him to get ready. Also, he says the answer is always 'more coffee'."

  13. I've never seen a shoe dryer, lucky Carl to have one. i have got a plastic thing that looks like a bent coathanger for hanging shoes to dry/air out.
    I like the two reasons I don't trust people joke.

  14. I honestly don't know how men who live alone manage to take care of themselves.

  15. Oh, Carl! Love the funnies especially the evil ladybird!


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