Saturday, September 14, 2024

Quite a Week, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Well, to say it's been quite a week would be an understatement.

Last Saturday while in NOLA with Grandma and Grandpa we got the word #2 Son and His Bride were at the hospital, waiting for the doctor to tell them if this was real labor or not.

It was, and on the way home from NOLA #2 Son called and said His Bride had not eaten yet but she could only have liquids, could i pick up smoothies for them?

Of course, i was happy and thankful to be able to do so, with the added bonus of a visit to them in the hospital.

In the evening, Little Girl came in town, too, arriving just a few minutes after the baby did!  We are very thankful for the relatively quick and safe arrival of little Annie.

Little Girl stayed the first night at the apartment with Jack dog, for which i was thankful.

When i informed Ms. A and Mr. J about our situation, they and Becca made a plan with a friend so i could be at the hospital the next morning.  I'm thankful of all the reasons to miss a church service (probably the first in two years), it was to visit and hold my first granddaughter.

I'm also thankful the second service is livestreamed and i got to at least watch.

And Little Girl was in town so i got to see and visit with her.

Sunday evening i was thankful for a second visit up to the hospital to bring them some things they'd forgotten (charge cords and a game controller for the laptop, most important stuff!) and holding the baby again.

I was also thankful to be able to spend the night with Jack dog Sunday night, even if he does get me up in the middle of the night to do go his business.

Monday morning i was thankful to be able to run home (it's across the highway from their apartments) to give Dansig the Round his insulin and then go to Carl's, then back to walk the dog again, then to Ms. S, then back to walk the dog again, then to a ladies' circle meeting.

We're thankful they came home Monday evening, and i was also thankful to find out the pediatrician i chose off a list 33 years ago when #1 Son was only two weeks old is still practicing and they are taking Annie to him!  We were among his first patients in his first six months of practice and he hasn't slowed down a bit or made plans to retire.

Tuesday we were starting to gear up for a possible storm, i was thankful to arrange to do the shelter Wednesday morning with a skeleton crew and then everything else would be cancelled.

I'm thankful #2 Son, His Bride and Annie went to NOLA for the duration, as Grandma and Grandpa were itching to meet her, they have a generator and a back-up generator, and since Grandpa is a retired doctor, where would be better for a new mom and baby?

I'm thankful for a lovely picture of Grandma holding Annie.  She never thought she'd see the day of having a great-grandchild.  (Please note, Grandma and Grandpa on my blog are my parents, my children's grandparents.)

We're thankful the storm really wasn't too bad here, we never even lost power which is miraculous, although a few places around here did.  They were repaired quickly.

Thursday i was thankful for the work, as missing work Wednesday of course meant no pay.

While at Ms. V's on Thursday, i was thankful they don't care what time i come, as i was able to wait until it started to get get light so as to not have to worry about any debris in the roads.  I was also thankful they put up with my quirks, and have a few of their own, and we get along well.

GusGus is still having the check engine light come on, I'm thankful for Kevin and Lenny to turn it off because it's not a repair code, and it's getting annoying.

Then Friday.  I've been sleep deprived and when i got to the church, i made two pots of regular coffee for the other Bible study instead of one pot of regular and one of decaf.  Oh, i had the decaf carafe, but accidentally grabbed a regular coffee bag.  I'm thankful i thought to move that to an empty regular carafe and then brew decaf, and the study has grown so they often need two pots anyway and did yesterday.

The day topped off with one of the craziest days at the cat shelter i've ever had, and it was amazing and a huge thankful.  The doorbell never stopped, 4 adoptions, lots of people looking, extra volunteers who needed training and are now able to do evening caretaking because Ms. M and i trained them, it was non-stop action the whole evening.  At the end of a crazy week, of course it has to happen that way, right?

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Clark and his co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   

Then Friday.  I've been sleep deprived and when i got to the church, i made two pots of regular coffee for the other Bible study instead of one pot of regular and one of decaf.  Oh, i had the decaf carafe, but accidentally grabbed a regular coffee bag.  I'm thankful i thought to move that to an empty regular carafe and then brew decaf, and the study has grown so they often need two pots anyway and did yesterday.

The day topped off with one of the craziest days at the cat shelter i've ever had, and it was amazing and a huge thankful.  The doorbell never stopped, 4 adoptions, lots of people looking, extra volunteers who needed training and are now able to do evening caretaking because Ms. M and i trained them, it was non-stop action the whole evening.  At the end of a crazy week, of course it has to happen that way, right?

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Clark and his co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Battle of San Jacinto Day -- Nicaragua

Cochabamba Day -- Cochabamba, Bolivia (festival of the founding of the city)

Eat a Hoagie Day

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 4, Economic Justice (sponsored by We, the World

Farmer-Consumer Awareness Day -- Quincy, WA, US (a fun and tasty way to celebrate and learn how food gets from the farm to your table; through Sunday)

Feast of the Triumph of the Cross/Elevation of the Life Giving Cross/Holy Cross Day -- Christian

Festivals and Matsuri of Japan -- several throughout Japan, today and for the next several, most as harvest festivals or traditional horseback archery rituals)

       including the O Sannomiya Autumn Festival, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Festival, Tono Matsuri, Kishiwada Danjiri Matsuri, Tsurugaoka-hachimangu Reitasai, Yachi Donga Festival, and Furusato Hyappei Festival

Great Procession of Tournai -- Tournai, Belgium (religious procession held since 1092, in thanksgiving for deliverance from the plague; through tomorrow)

Hug a Crabby Stranger Day -- okay, as long as i don't end up on the evening news

International Drive Your Studebaker Day -- an official event of the Studebaker Drivers Club Inc. 

National Cream-Filled Doughnut Day

Nutting Day -- British Isles tradition, the hazelnuts are supposed to be perfectly ripe on this day

Onam -- Hindu (start of a 14 day Hindu harvest festival observed by Malayali Hindus celebrating the legendary King Maveli/Mahabali)

Pilgrimage to the Black Madonna of Einsiedeln -- Switzerland

San Jacinto Day -- Nicaragua

St. Notburga's Day (Patron of agricultural workers, husbandmen, peasants, restaurant servers)

Birthdays Today:

Amy Winehouse, 1983

Dan Cortese, 1967

Faith Ford, 1964

Wendy Thomas, 1961 (Namesake of Wendy's Hamburgers)

Mary Crosby, 1959

Sam Neill, 1947

Joey Heatherton, 1944

Nicol Williamson, 1938

Walter Koenig, 1936

Kate Millett, 1934

Harve Presnell, 1933

Zoe Caldwell, 1933

Constance Baker Motley, 1921

Clayton Moore, 1914

Stanley Ketchel, 1886

Margaret Higgins Sanger, 1879

Ivan Pavlov, 1849

James Wilson, 1742

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Golden Girls"(TV), 1985

"The Waltons"(TV Series), 1972

"Ironside"(TV), 1967

"Have Gun Will Travel"(TV), 1957

"The Turn of the Screw"(Opera), 1954

Today in History:

Domitian becomes emperor of Rome upon the death of his brother Titus, 81

Harun al-Rashid beomes Abbasid Caliph upon the death of his brother, al-Hadi, 786

The first lighthouse in the US, in Boston, is lit, 1716

George Frederick Handel finishes "Messiah" oratorio, after working on it non-stop for 23 days, 1741

Napoleon occupies Moscow; fires begin that will not be fully extinguished for 5 days, 1812

Francis Scott Key witnesses the battle which inspires him to write "The Defense of Fort McHenry", later retitled "The Star Spangled Banner", 1814

George K Anderson of Memphis, Tennessee patents typewriter ribbon, 1886

President of the United States William McKinley dies after an assassination attempt on September 6, and is succeeded by Theodore Roosevelt, 1901

Groundbreaking for the United Nations headquarters in New York City, 1948

The Soviet probe Luna 2 crashes onto the Moon, becoming the first man-made object to reach it, 1959

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is founded, 1960

The first American saint, Elizabeth Ann Seton, is canonized by Pope Paul VI, 1975

President-elect of Lebanon, Bachir Gemayel, is assassinated, 1982

Joe Kittinger becomes the first person to fly a hot air balloon alone across the Atlantic Ocean, 1984

The Toronto Blue Jays set a record for the most home runs in a single game, belting 10 of them, 1987

Kiribati, Nauru and Tonga join the United Nations, 1999

Historic National Prayer Service held at Washington National Cathedral for victims of the September 11 attacks; a similar service is held in Canada on Parliament Hill, the largest vigil ever held in the nation's capital, 2001

In a referendum, Estonia approves joining the European Union, 2003

NASA reveals the Space Launch Program to replace the Space Shuttle program, 2011

The Bodleian Library confirms that the earliest evidence of the zero symbol found to date is a Bakhshali (Pakistani) manuscript that carbon dating puts as coming from the 3rd or 4th century, 2017

Astronomers report a possible sign of life on Venus, after detecting phosphine in the planet's atmosphere by telescope, 2020

The US records its lowest level of poverty since records began in 1967, at 9.1%, 2021

A NASA probe into UFO sightings is inconclusive due to lack of what they call "good data," while not completely dismissing the possibility, 2023


  1. You've had a VERY hectic week, but having Annie in your life now is worth every minute. I hope GusGus continues to treadle along without major problems.
    I'm glad the storm didn't cause too many troubles.

  2. WHAT a week, but it is packed with joy.

  3. Ah! Your first granddaughter! (One of my granddaughters is named Annie, too---she is soon-to-be nine.) Congratulations! I'm also glad the hurricane did not cause a lot of damage there. I was worried about you.

  4. Weeks don't come much busier than that! A delight to read, Mimi.

  5. Congrats on that baby granddaughter. I am thankful for Summer weather, but not thankful for the drought, lol.

  6. Such wonderful thankfuls this week Grandma, we enjoyed reading them!

  7. Crazy busy - but a good kind of crazy - makes for a good thankful.

  8. Very busy week, but good things! Congrats again!

  9. Wonderful thankful list. I am so glad your mom got to hold the baby. I know my mom lives for her great grandkids and is blessed that she is able to babysit them. XO

  10. That new little bundle of joy is the best reason ever to be thankful. Give her a little smoochie from us.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. Oh ~ busy, busy for you Grand Mere ~ lots of healthy energy hugs for dear Annie ~ great thankfuls ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. What a busy week, but oh so wonderful! Congratulations to you all!

  13. Well the first thing to say is CONGRATULATIONS! Many many congratulations! The second thing is to congratulate your parents : CONGRATULATIONS! Just as many congratulations as to you, because it's quite something to meet your great grandchild! As for the rest of the week, well you were tested a little, and so I hope you will soon have a nice long calm spell in which to enjoy little Annie! Oh, and did I say? CONGRATULATIONS! (to the proud parents of course. :D !!!!!

  14. Java Bean: "Ayyy, that has been quite a week you've had! I think Dada would have brewed two pots of caffeinated coffee too!"

  15. Congratulations on baby Annie! How exciting to become grandparents! We are still waiting for our term, cobwebs surrounding us...
    I'm sure glad the hurricane was kind to you, especially with a crazy week like you had (although in all fairness, you ALWAYS have crazy weeks - I do not know how you keep up with all you do, yet you do it!).

  16. congrats on the new descendant*
    busy week, yo
    (which given your 'normal' week work load, is saying something)
    not for nothin' but take it as easy as you are comfortable doing...

    and unto... a descendant, known to all as Annie who would grow to become a leader among the people of....


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