Sunday, September 15, 2024

Loud and Clear (Cajun Joke), Sunday Selections and Sunday Selfie


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Our little Annie had some fluid in one ear when she was in the hospital, and there's been talk about the family history of some hearing loss.  Her pediatrician will be keeping an eye on it, of course.

Tee Boudreaux done be wantin' do stan' up comedy now he be older, an' hims Gran-mère an' Gran-père done be encouragin' him.  He gets him up dere de firs' night an' he say, "Firs' I wants to give a shout-out to my Gran-mère an' Gran-père, partly because dey be de ones tellin' me to try fo' my dream, an' partly 'cause dat be de only way dey's gonna hear me!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.     



This week, E-Z, one of the dogs at a friend's house, wants to join the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.  She was born on US tax day, April 15, and is named for the 1040E-Z tax form!  


Today is:

Battle of Britain Day -- UK

Dia de Nuestra Senora de la Bien Aparecida -- Santander, Spain

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 5, Health (sponsored by We, the World

Engineer's Day -- India

Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows (Mater Dolorosa) related observance

     Grito de Dolores -- Mexico (Cry of Dolores,a/k/a Father Hidalgo's Cry for Freedom Day, the evening before Independence Day)

     Virgin Mary of the Seven Sorrows Day -- Slovakia

Felt Hat Day (Traditional day upon which men started to wear their winter felt hats, similar to women beginning to wear white shoes on Memorial Day)

Independence Day -- Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Nicaragua (all in 1821)

International Day of Democracy -- UN

Make a Hat Day -- just for fun (and if you are a guy, make a felt hat)

National Back to Church Sunday -- US (encouraging every church goer to invite just one person to come along, as studies show many people say they would go, if they were invited)     

National Creme de Menthe Day

National Hispanic Heritage Month -- US, through Oct. 15

National Linguine Day

National Neighborhood Day -- US (The Good Feeling That Lasts All Year) 

Restoration of Primorska to the Motherland Day -- Slovenia

Silpa Bhirasri Day -- Thailand

St. Catherine of Genoa's Day (Patron of brides, childless people, people in difficult marriages, people ridiculed for their piety, victims of adultery and unfaithfulness, widows; against adultery and temptation)

Wife Appreciation Day -- unofficially celebrated the 3rd Sunday in September

World Lymphoma Day 

Anniversaries Today:

Greenpeace is founded, 1971

Birthdays Today:

Heidi Montag, 1986

Prince Harry, 1984

Dave Annable, 1979

Josh Charles, 1971

Dan Marino, Jr., 1961

Tommy Lee Jones, 1946

Oliver Stone, 1946

Carmen Maura, 1945

Jessye Norman, 1945

Merlin Olsen, 1940

Gaylord Jackson Perry, 1938

Norm Crosby, 1927

Jackie Cooper, 1922

Fay Wray, 1907

Roy Acuff, 1903

Agatha Christie, 1890

Robert Benchley, 1889

William H. Taft, 1857

James Fenimore Cooper, 1789

François de La Rochefoucauld, 1613

Marco Polo, 1254

Debuting/Premiering Today:

USA Today(Newspaper first issue), 1982

"CHIPs"(TV), 1977

"Columbo"(TV), 1971

"I Spy"(TV), 1965

"Lost in Space"(TV), 1965

"Bachelor Father"(TV), 1957

"The Lone Ranger"(TV), 1949

Today in History:

The first non-aristocratic, free public school in Europe is opened in Frascati, Italy, 1616

The French army under Napoleon reaches the Kremlin in Moscow, 1812

The first Negro National Convention begins in Philadelphia, 1830

The locomotive John Bull operates for the first time in New Jersey on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, 1831*

HMS Beagle, with Charles Darwin aboard, reaches the Galápagos Islands, 1835

Antoinette Louisa Brown Blackwell becomes the first woman in the US to be ordained a minister (Congregationalist), 1853

Timothy Alder patents the typesetting machine, 1857

RCA releases the 12AX7 vacuum tube, 1947

United Nations gives Eritrea to Ethiopia, 1952

The Soviet ship Poltava heads toward Cuba, one of the events that sets into motion the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962

*The John Bull becomes the oldest operable steam locomotive in the world when the Smithsonian Institution operates it under its own power outside Washington, D.C., 1981

Vanuatu becomes a member of the United Nations, 1981

Lehman Brothers files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history, 2008

In Australia, "Indeterminate" can now be listed on a passport as a gender, 2011

A previously unknown species of bottlenose dolphin is found by Australian researchers, and named Tursiops australis, 2011

Japan switches off its last working nuclear reactor, 2013

Archaeologists document their find of the oldest-known brewery and the remains of 13,000-year-old beer in a cave in Haifa Israel, belonging to the nomadic Natufian people, 2018

Norman Lear becomes the oldest person to win an Emmy at age 97, in the variety special category for ABC’s “Live in Front of a Studio Audience," 2019

SpaceX launches the first all-civilian spaceflight from Cape Canaveral, Florida, for a three-day orbit around Earth, 2021

Yvon Chouinard, founder of the Patagonia, Inc. brand of outdoor clothing, transfers ownership of the business to a non-profit organization so future profits can fight climate change, 2022


  1. I hope Annie's ear comes good. Love your pretty selections. That poor dog, named for a tax form - not most people's favourite thing.

  2. EZ has a lovely coat. I do hope Annie's ear is alright. The art displays are all very nice, I like the paintings all in one frame. Those skies promise rain, but not too much I hope.

  3. Prayers for that sweet new baby. And look at all that colorful artwork from the top photo to the last sky photo. Happy Sunday

  4. What a lovely selfie of E-Z. And so much delightful and varied art. That bloom is very well set on that table, quite complimentary. The last three sun scapes really do call out to us. The strength of colour is wonderful. The others are gentler and mellow, like a light wine.
    Have a wonderful and inspiring week

  5. I hope Little Annie is OK. Nice photos and cute pup. XO

  6. Always a fun Cajun joke and your sky photos are awesome as always ~ thanks, hugs

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I specially love the "time lapse" sunset. Conveys that feeling of standing and watching it change, a bit of peace in a busy world. Those cute little house ornaments on the wall intrigued me. I haven't seen anything like them before. I hope Annie will come through with her hearing okay. We're lucky to live in a time when so much that afflicted older family members years ago, can now be cured.

  8. wavez two ewe E Z...ewe iz one gorgeouz pup !! due yur pawrentz get a "tax brake " !!! :) N 984 pawz up for lost in space, de gurl haz everee eppa soda on dee vee dee :)) ♥♥

  9. Java Bean: "Ayyy, I guess one way to make tax day less irritating is to have your dog's birthday on it. Dogs make everything better!"
    Chaplin: "You spelled 'cat' wrong."
    Lulu: "We hope Annie doesn't have any hearing loss and send lots of tail wags her way!"
    Charlee: "And we cats send purrs!"

  10. We do hope little Annie's ear will be OK. All paws crossed and prayers from Mom.

    E-Z is very handsome!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. Poor little Annie, hope the ear will be okay. Wonderful photos and E-Z is such a cutie!

  12. E-Z has such a smile - right? Hello there buddy!

  13. I hope Annie is okay. E-Z is gorgeous!

  14. We hope Annie's ear will be okay.
    We love the skyscapes! And E-Z is a furry cute woofie!

  15. Fingers crossed for Annie. Another great Cajun joke and some lovely photos too!


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